Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics | Published under the auspices of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics

Main information
ORCID logoFrancisco Alonso-Almeida | Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Giovanni Garofalo | Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Associate Editors
ORCID logoFrancisco J. Álvarez-Gil | Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
María Bîrlea | Universidad de Salamanca
Mercedes Cabrera-Abreu | Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Javier Fernández Cruz | Universidad de Málaga
ORCID logoMar Forment Fernández | Universitat de Barcelona
María José Gómez Calderón | Universidad de Sevilla
Araceli Losey | Universidad de Cádiz
ORCID logoMargarita Mele Marrero | Universidad de La Laguna
ORCID logoRaquel Mateo Mendaza | Universidad de la Rioja
Gianluca Pontrandolfo | Università degli Studi di Trieste
Margarita E. Sánchez-Cuervo | Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Claudia Stoian | Polytechnic University of Timisoara
Book Review Editor
ORCID logoAna Bocanegra-Valle | Universidad de Cádiz
All inquiries should be sent to the Managing Editors at: [email protected]

The Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics (RESLA/SJAL) is the biannual journal of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA, International in scope, RESLA is peer reviewed and accepts for publication original high-quality scholarly contributions from anywhere around the world. Articles must be related to one of the nine research areas of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics:
1. Language Acquisition
2. Language Teaching
3. Language for academic and professional purposes
4. Psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics and clinical linguistics
5. Sociolinguistics
6. Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis
7. Computational Linguistics, Corpus Linguistics and Natural Language Processing
8. Lexicology and Lexicography
9. Translation and Interpretation Studies

RESLA publishes its articles Online First.

John Benjamins Publishing Company is the official publisher as of Volume 27 (2014).
Back-volumes (1985–2013) are available on:

Anuncio: El equipo editorial de la Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada informa de que no se aceptarán nuevos envíos durante los próximos meses y hasta nuevo aviso, debido al gran número de propuestas recibidas hasta la fecha. Lamentamos los inconvenientes que esto les pueda ocasionar. Esperamos reanudar la recepción de envíos a la mayor brevedad posible.

Announcement: The editorial team of the Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics informs that no new submissions will be accepted during the coming months and until further notice, due to the large number of proposals received to date. We regret any inconvenience this may cause. We hope to resume accepting submissions as soon as possible.

ISSN: 0213-2028 | E-ISSN: 2254-6774
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Latest articles

3 May 2024

  • La fractocomposición : Una aproximación a las construcciones con fractoconstituyentes en catalán
    Ivan Solivellas
  • 1 May 2024

  • Creating and validating a corpus-based English academic word list for physics
    Milica Vuković-Stamatović
  • 19 April 2024

  • Delimitación, visualización y metalenguaje : Hacia un diseño curricular de las emociones guiado por principios del DUA
    Beatriz Carbajal-Carrera
  • 8 April 2024

  • Linguistic variation in two written academic sub-registers : A multi-dimensional analysis
    Ahmad Ansarifar , Hesamoddin Shahriari , Shelley Staples Mohammad Ghazanfari
  • 5 April 2024

  • Assessing voice vs. writing quality : Is there any difference?
    Maryam Homayounzadeh Mohammad Rahimi
  • The Spanish Computer-Assisted Listening and Speaking Tutor : A multilingual approach to pronunciation training
    Violeta Martínez-Paricio Jacques Koreman
  • The function of the pointing gesture-speech combination in children’s story retelling
    Aline Minto-García , Elda Alicia Alva Canto , Natalia Arias-Trejo Tania Jasso
  • University students’ perceptions of team teaching by native and non-native speakers in a Spanish course
    Yerim Song
  • Transcending medical consultations : Entering the in-between zone to study the role of healthcare interpreters
    Cristina Álvaro Aranda | RESLA 37:2 (2024) pp. 682–719
  • 4 April 2024

  • Estrategias introductoras y tipo de reproducción de las citas directas en el corpus oral PERUSEV
    Doina Repede
  • Implicit agent se-constructions : Modeling the language style in scientific abstracts
    Mónica Rodríguez-Castro Concepción B. Godev | RESLA 37:2 (2024) pp. 628–655
  • 2 April 2024

  • The effect of fluency training on interpreter trainees’ speech fluency, comprehensibility, and accentedness : An experimental study
    Mahmood Yenkimaleki Vincent J. van Heuven
  • 22 March 2024

  • On Arab EFL learners’ production of words with “-ate”
    Safi Eldeen Alzi’abi
  • 18 March 2024

  • On mid-Atlantic Spanish in literary translation
    Miguel Ángel Cascales Serrano | RESLA 37:2 (2024) pp. 656–681
  • 14 March 2024

  • La memorización de vocabulario y el desarrollo de la competencia lingüística general : Rendimiento, preferencias de aprendizaje y percepción de los estudiantes en el aula de idiomas
    Tim Hammrich
  • Traducir para preservar la comunidad : Estudio de caso de una traducción comunitaria hecha por fans hispanoamericanos
    Diana Isabel Marroquín Paitán Natalia Isabel Santos Gonzales | RESLA 37:2 (2024) pp. 747–768
  • C. Borg . 2022. A Literary Translation in the Making: A Process-Oriented Perspective
    Reviewed by Jie Li Huan Mei
  • 12 March 2024

  • A protocol for the annotation of evaluative stance and metaphor across four discourse genres
    Laura Hidalgo-Downing , Paula Pérez-Sobrino , Laura Filardo-Llamas , Carmen Maíz-Arévalo , Begoña Núñez-Perucha , Alfonso Sánchez-Moya Julia T. Williams Camus | RESLA 37:2 (2024) pp. 486–517
  • 11 March 2024

  • The interpretation of reflexive pronouns in VP-ellipsis by L2 English learners with different proficiency levels
    Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto Evelyn Gandón-Chapela | RESLA 37:2 (2024) pp. 424–453
  • 5 March 2024

  • La construcción metafórica de una pandemia : El discurso político sobre el coronavirus en España durante la primera ola
    Asunción Escribano Hernández | RESLA 37:2 (2024) pp. 454–485
  • 29 February 2024

  • Disagreeing without tears : The interactive process of mitigating disagreement in a Chinese venture capital reality television show
    Huiyu Zhang , Junxiang Zhao Yicheng Wu | RESLA 37:2 (2024) pp. 518–552
  • 23 February 2024

  • Estudio de corpus del español europeo sobre la selección modal en las oraciones valorativas encabezadas por el artículo neutro : <lo + adjetivo/verbo + ser que + indicativo/subjuntivo>
    Fabio Loporcaro , Juan Ramón Guijarro Ojeda María Felisa Bermejo Calleja | RESLA 37:2 (2024) pp. 396–423
  • 1 February 2024

  • Estudio correlacional del género ficha clínica : Un análisis multidimensional e interdisciplinario
    Paulina Meza , Fernando Lillo-Fuentes , Erlantz Velasco Carlos Silva-Rosas | RESLA 37:2 (2024) pp. 720–746
  • 29 January 2024

  • Further step toward a definition of the core professional development needs of teachers of Languages for Specific Purposes in the European Higher Education Area
    Violeta Jurkovič , Darja Mertelj Saša Podgoršek | RESLA 37:1 (2024) pp. 299–334
  • 23 January 2024

  • Voices of SHL educators : Writing in the heritage Spanish classroom
    Ana Padial , Ariana M. Mikulski Idoia Elola | RESLA 37:1 (2024) pp. 335–365
  • 18 January 2024

  • Spanish enrollment decline and students’ beliefs and attitudes : Does gender matter?
    David Balmaceda M. , Cindy Brantmeier Mark C. Hogrebe | RESLA 37:1 (2024) pp. 109–142
  • 3 January 2024

  • Collocations of fictive motion verbs in adventure tourism : A corpus-based study of the English language
    Eva Lucía Jiménez-Navarro Isabel Durán-Muñoz | RESLA 37:2 (2024) pp. 371–395
  • 19 December 2023

  • ¿Acercamiento solidario vs. distanciamiento respetuoso? La percepción del acto de habla de invitación por hablantes españoles e ingleses
    Francisco Fernández-García | RESLA 37:1 (2024) pp. 233–263
  • 11 December 2023

  • Typicality effects in Spanish as a Foreign Language of intermediate and advanced level Greek learners
    María Pilar Agustín-Llach Kiriaki Palapanidi | RESLA 37:1 (2024) pp. 264–298
  • 1 December 2023

  • Who does it better? The acquisition of Spanish grammatical gender by L1 English and L1 Russian adults
    Tamara Gómez Carrero Anastasiia Ogneva | RESLA 37:1 (2024) pp. 143–171
  • La mediación textual a partir de estrategias de reformulación : Análisis comparativo entre CLIL y no CLIL
    Laura Nadal Sarah Thome | RESLA 37:1 (2024) pp. 1–26
  • 28 November 2023

  • Subtitling short films to improve writing and translation skills
    Noa Talaván Pilar Rodríguez-Arancón | RESLA 37:1 (2024) pp. 57–82
  • 27 November 2023

  • J. Meredith , D. Giles W. Stommel (Eds.). 2022. Analysing Digital Interaction
    Reviewed by Aiyoub Jodairi Pineh | RESLA 37:2 (2024) pp. 769–773
  • 21 November 2023

  • Propuesta metodológica para determinar el núcleo semántico de los gestos emblemáticos
    Helena S. Belío-Apaolaza | RESLA 37:1 (2024) pp. 200–232
  • Gianluca Pontrandolfo Sara Piccioni . 2022. Comunicación especializada y divulgación en la red
    Reseña de Ana Cristina Vivas-Peraza | RESLA 37:1 (2024) pp. 366–370
  • 17 November 2023

  • El efecto Dunning-Kruger en la autoevaluación del español como L2 : Diferencias entre jueces y hablantes en la evaluación de la comprensibilidad, el acento extranjero y la fluidez
    Enrique Santamaría Busto | RESLA 37:1 (2024) pp. 27–56
  • 3 November 2023

  • Teaching listening for interpreting through mind mapping : Students’ attitudes and its effectiveness
    Xiangdong Li | RESLA 37:1 (2024) pp. 172–199
  • Sobre la enseñanza de la elisión sintáctica en la clase de gramática del español como lengua extranjera o segunda (ELE/L2)
    Iker Zulaica Hernández | RESLA 37:1 (2024) p. 83
  • 11 September 2023

  • Engaging lower proficiency learners of Spanish in collaborative writing tasks
    Caroline Payant Derek Reagan | RESLA 36:2 (2023) pp. 643–671
  • 13 July 2023

  • Falsos amigos fraseológicos : Un estudio empírico de expresiones inglesas, alemanas y españolas
    Regina Gutiérrez Pérez Juan Pablo Larreta Zulategui | RESLA 36:2 (2023) pp. 672–697
  • Influencia de factores contextuales en creencias pedagógicas de los profesores de ELE en China : Una perspectiva ecológica
    Xiuchuan Lu , Xiao Zou Jian Tao | RESLA 36:2 (2023) pp. 615–642
  • 6 July 2023

  • Ovidi Carbonell i Cortés Esther Monzó-Nebot (Eds.). 2021. Translating Asymmetry – Rewriting Power
    Reviewed by María Ángeles Orts | RESLA 36:2 (2023) pp. 698–703
  • 4 July 2023

  • Sentence splitting in Arabic to Spanish translation
    Juan Roldán Manuel Feria García | RESLA 36:2 (2023) pp. 585–614
  • 6 June 2023

  • No quiero batirme con vos... ni reñir contigo : Enfoques textuales holísticos para el estudio de las formas de tratamiento
    Miguel Gutiérrez Maté Patricia Uhl | RESLA 36:2 (2023) pp. 499–527
  • Effects of language background and directionality on raters’ assessments of spoken-language interpreting
    Chao Han , Juan Hu Yi Deng | RESLA 36:2 (2023) pp. 556–584
  • Metaphorical Pattern Analysis and MIPVU combined : A case study merging existing methods to identify metaphor in discourse
    María Muelas-Gil | RESLA 36:2 (2023) pp. 528–555
  • 25 May 2023

  • Exploring the effects of audiovisual material and age in pragmatic learning
    Júlia Barón Carmen Muñoz | RESLA 36:2 (2023) pp. 467–498
  • 10 May 2023

  • Ideología en el paisaje lingüístico y semiótico : Paisaje electoral en dos áreas de contacto vasco-español
    Carmen Fernández Juncal | RESLA 36:2 (2023) pp. 411–435
  • Constructional complexity as a predictor of Korean EFL learners’ writing proficiency
    Hyunwoo Kim , Gyu-Ho Shin Min-Chang Sung | RESLA 36:2 (2023) pp. 436–466
  • El uso de fuentes documentales y su impacto en la creatividad del estudiante de traducción e interpretación
    Ana María Rojo López , Purificación Meseguer Cutillas Paula Arqués Abellán | RESLA 36:2 (2023) pp. 386–410
  • 7 April 2023

  • Positivity in the English language learning classroom : Analyzing teacher-student moments of contact
    Irati Diert-Boté | RESLA 36:2 (2023) pp. 357–385
  • IssuesOnline-first articles

    Volume 37 (2024)

    Volume 36 (2023)

    Volume 35 (2022)

    Volume 34 (2021)

    Volume 33 (2020)

    Volume 32 (2019)

    Volume 31 (2018)

    Volume 30 (2017)

    Volume 29 (2016)

    Volume 28 (2015)

    Volume 27 (2014)

    Editorial Board
    ORCID logoRosa Agost Canós | Universitat Jaume I
    ORCID logoEva Alcón-Soler | Universitat Jaume I
    ORCID logoJoe Barcroft | Washington University
    ORCID logoJoyce Bruhn de Garavito | University of Western Ontario
    ORCID logoJasone Cenoz | University of País Vasco
    ORCID logoJoseph Collentine | Northern Arizona University
    ORCID logoMercedes Díez Prados | University of Alcalá
    ORCID logoIdoia Elola | Texas Tech University
    ORCID logoPamela Faber | University of Granada
    ORCID logoRaquel Fernández Fuertes | University of Valladolid
    ORCID logoSusan M. Gass | Michigan State University
    ORCID logoDirk Geeraerts | University of Leuven
    ORCID logoMaría de los Ángeles Gómez González | University of Santiago de Compostela
    ORCID logoJohn Grinstead | The Ohio State University
    ORCID logoRosa M. Manchón | University of Murcia
    ORCID logoJuana I. Marín-Arrese | Complutense University of Madrid
    ORCID logoMaria Antònia Martí | University of Barcelona
    ORCID logoMaría Auxiliadora Martín Díaz | University of La Laguna
    ORCID logoPedro Martín-Butragueño | Colegio de México, D.F.
    ORCID logoFrancisco Moreno-Fernández | University of Alcalá de Henares
    ORCID logoCarmen Muñoz | University of Barcelona
    ORCID logoSusanne Niemeier | University Koblenz-Landau
    ORCID logoCarmen Pérez-Vidal | University Pompeu Fabra
    ORCID logoKim Potowski | University of Illinois at Chicago
    ORCID logoAurelia Power | Technological University, Dublin
    ORCID logoPhaedra Royle | University of Montreal
    ORCID logoCristina Sanz | Georgetown University
    ORCID logoRita Temmerman | Centrum voor Vaktaal en Communicatie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels
    ORCID logoRobert D. Van Valin Jr. | University at Buffalo
    AESLA Governing Board
    ORCID logoFrancisco Alonso-Almeida | Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
    ORCID logoMaría Luisa Carrió-Pastor | Universitat Politècnica de València
    ORCID logoJuan Antonio Cutillas-Espinosa | Universidad de Murcia
    Ana Díaz Galán | Universidad de La Laguna
    ORCID logoElena Fernández de Molina Ortés | Universidad de Granada
    Giovanni Garofalo | Università degli Studi di Bergamo
    ORCID logoJavier Martín Arista | Universidad de La Rioja
    ORCID logoJavier Pérez-Guerra | Universidad de Vigo
    Subscription Info
    Current issue: 37:2, available as of May 2024

    General information about our electronic journals.

    Subscription rates

    All prices for print + online include postage/handling.

    Online-only Print + online
    Volume 38 (2025): 2 issues; ca. 700 pp. EUR 237.00 EUR 310.00
    Volume 37 (2024): 2 issues; ca. 700 pp. EUR 230.00 EUR 282.00

    Individuals may apply for a special online-only subscription rate of EUR 65.00 per volume.
    Private subscriptions are for personal use only, and must be pre-paid and ordered directly from the publisher.

    Available back-volumes

    Online-only Print + online
    Complete backset
    (Vols. 27‒36; 2014‒2023)
    20 issues;
    6,500 pp.
    EUR 2,067.00 EUR 2,295.00
    Volume 36 (2023) 2 issues; 700 pp. EUR 223.00 EUR 256.00
    Volumes 33‒35 (2020‒2022) 2 issues; avg. 700 pp. EUR 223.00 per volume EUR 251.00 per volume
    Volume 32 (2019) 2 issues; 700 pp. EUR 219.00 EUR 246.00
    Volume 31 (2018) 2 issues; 600 pp. EUR 196.00 EUR 220.00
    Volume 30 (2017) 2 issues; 600 pp. EUR 190.00 EUR 214.00
    Volume 29 (2016) 2 issues; 600 pp. EUR 190.00 EUR 208.00
    Volume 28 (2015) 2 issues; 600 pp. EUR 190.00 EUR 202.00
    Volume 27 (2014) 2 issues; 600 pp. EUR 190.00 EUR 196.00

    Manuscripts can be submitted through the journal's online submission and manuscript tracking site. Please consult the guidelines and the Short Guide to EM for Authors before you submit your paper.

    There will be a delay in the management of submissions received between January 1st and April 30th, 2024. Please contact the editors directly on carolina.rodriguez at for further information.

    If you are not able to submit online, or for any other editorial correspondence, please contact the editors by e-mail: resla at


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    Translation & Interpreting Studies

    Translation Studies

    Main BIC Subject

    CFDC: Language acquisition

    Main BISAC Subject

    LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General