Lingvisticæ Investigationes | International Journal of Linguistics and Language Resources

Main information
Jorge Baptista | Universidade do Algarve
Cédrick Fairon | UCLouvain
Natalia Grabar | CNRS, France
Corinne Rossari | Université de Neuchâtel
Founding Editor
Editorial Assistant
Takuya Nakamura | CNRS, France

Lingvisticæ Investigationes publishes original articles dealing with the lexicon, grammar, phonology and semantics. It focuses on studies that are formalized to the point where they can be integrated into text analysis software, and on studies which describe resources such as grammars and electronic dictionaries constructed on a linguistic basis. The journal also publishes bibliographies, summaries of theses, reports, squibs and reviews. Contributions are in English and French. French-speaking authors are free to submit in French or in English.

The journal has companion book series entitled Lingvisticæ Investigationes Supplementa .

Proposals for thematic issues are welcomed; please consult these instructions.
ISSN: 0378-4169 | E-ISSN: 1569-9927
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Latest articles

31 October 2024

  • On the telic senses of the Serbian verb stići and its French equivalent arriver
    Tijana Ašić , Tatjana Grujić Frédéric Torterat | LI 47:1 (2024) pp. 68–96
  • Ordinary letters, extraordinary findings : 17th- and 18th-century French and the MACINTOSH project (Missing hAlf the picture, ClassIcal NoT sO claSsical FrencH)
    Myriam Bergeron-Maguire , Laura-Maï Dourdy Juliette Thiriet | LI 47:1 (2024) pp. 121–142
  • Contrastive study of verbal structures in medical and general corpora in French
    Oksana Ivchenko Natalia Grabar | LI 47:1 (2024) p. 97
  • A new type of linguistic sign : metasemy2
    Igor Mel’čuk | LI 47:1 (2024) pp. 1–29
  • CRI : A Competent Reader Imitator for detecting binomial names in an historical corpus
    Clément Morand Olivier Ridoux | LI 47:1 (2024) pp. 30–67
  • 8 February 2024

  • Causativité et réactivité dans le fonctionnement du marqueur de discours Je me suis laissé dire : Application à l’analyse contrastive français/espagnol
    Jean-Claude Anscombre | LI 46:2 (2023) pp. 179–199
  • Dis voir et oye tú en contraste : Des marqueurs de dire et de perception?
    Sonia Gómez-Jordana Ferary | LI 46:2 (2023) pp. 200–222
  • Les opérateurs sémantico-pragmatiques pour ainsi dire et por así decir(lo) : Étude contrastive français-espagnol
    Adelaida Hermoso Mellado-Damas | LI 46:2 (2023) pp. 223–242
  • Nuances épistémiques autour de ce n’est pas sûr et ce n’est pas dit
    Laurence Rouanne | LI 46:2 (2023) pp. 265–278
  • Autour de il n’y a pas à dire et de incontestablement : De l’attitude du locuteur à la construction de l’ethos
    Didier Tejedor de Felipe | LI 46:2 (2023) pp. 279–295
  • J’avoue et c’est le cas de le dire : Marqueurs d’assentiment?
    Hélène Vassiliadou | LI 46:2 (2023) pp. 296–315
  • Je dirais / diría yo, analyse contrastive français / espagnol
    Jesús Vázquez-Molina María Luisa Donaire | LI 46:2 (2023) pp. 243–264
  • Fonctionnement et évolution de deux paires de marqueurs romans formés sur le verbe dire : Cela dit / ceci dit vs dicho esto / dicho eso
    Emma Álvarez-Prendes | LI 46:2 (2023) pp. 157–178
  • Dire et ses marqueurs : Approches contrastives
    Laurence Rouanne | LI 46:2 (2023) pp. 147–156
  • 24 August 2023

  • Expressivité de la cataphore
    Éric Bordas | LI 46:1 (2023) pp. 133–146
  • Aspects de l’évolution des relations cataphoriques : Du français classique au français moderne
    Bernard Combettes | LI 46:1 (2023) pp. 62–88
  • Les fonctions discursives de la cataphore : Le SN une chose
    Sophie Jollin-Bertocchi | LI 46:1 (2023) pp. 112–132
  • Cataphores démonstratives : Construction et subséquent
    Georges Kleiber | LI 46:1 (2023) pp. 41–61
  • Avant-propos
    Marek Kęsik | LI 46:1 (2023) p. 9
  • Les démonstratifs neutres du français en cataphore d’une subordonnée complétive
    Claude Muller | LI 46:1 (2023) pp. 18–40
  • Le gérondif à l’aune de l’opposition anaphore / cataphore
    Anne Theissen | LI 46:1 (2023) p. 89
  • La cataphore en question(s)
    Anne Theissen Annie Kuyumcuyan | LI 46:1 (2023) pp. 1–8
  • IssuesOnline-first articles

    Volume 47 (2024)

    Volume 46 (2023)

    Volume 45 (2022)

    Volume 44 (2021)

    Volume 43 (2020)

    Volume 42 (2019)

    Volume 41 (2018)

    Volume 40 (2017)

    Volume 39 (2016)

    Volume 38 (2015)

    Volume 37 (2014)

    Volume 36 (2013)

    Volume 35 (2012)

    Volume 34 (2011)

    Volume 33 (2010)

    Volume 32 (2009)

    Volume 31 (2008)

    Volume 30 (2007)

    Volume 29 (2006)

    Volume 28 (2005)

    Volume 27 (2004)

    Volume 26 (2003)

    Volume 25 (2002)

    Volume 24 (2001)

    Volume 23 (2000)

    Volume 22 (1998/99)

    Volume 21 (1997)

    Volume 20 (1996)

    Volume 19 (1995)

    Volume 18 (1994)

    Volume 17 (1993)

    Volume 16 (1992)

    Volume 15 (1991)

    Volume 14 (1990)

    Volume 13 (1989)

    Volume 12 (1988)

    Volume 11 (1987)

    Volume 10 (1986)

    Volume 9 (1985)

    Volume 8 (1984)

    Volume 7 (1983)

    Volume 6 (1982)

    Volume 5 (1981)

    Volume 4 (1980)

    Volume 3 (1979)

    Volume 2 (1978)

    Volume 1 (1977)

    Jorge Baptista | Universidade do Algarve
    Cédrick Fairon | UCLouvain
    Natalia Grabar | CNRS, France
    Corinne Rossari | Université de Neuchâtel
    Founding Editor
    Editorial Assistant
    Takuya Nakamura | CNRS, France
    Consulting Editorial Board
    Anne Abeillé | Université Paris Diderot
    Jean-Claude Chevalier † | Université Paris 8
    Laurence Danlos | Université Paris Diderot
    Tullio De Mauro † | University of Rome La Sapienza
    Annibale Elia | Universita di Salerno
    Gilles Fauconnier † | University of California San Diego
    Giorgio Graffi | University of Verona
    Ralph Grishman | New York University
    Franz Guenthner | University of Munich
    Ferenc Kiefer † | Academy of Sciences, Budapest
    Éric Laporte | Université Gustave Eiffel
    Mehryar Mohri | New York University
    Dominique Perrin | Université Gustave Eiffel
    John Robert Ross | University of North Texas
    Editorial Board
    Hava Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot | University of Tel-Aviv
    Xavier Blanco | Autonomous University of Barcelona
    Sergio Bolasco | University of Rome La Sapienza
    Matthieu Constant | Université de Lorraine
    Dan Cristea | "Alexandru loan Cuza" University of Iasi
    Anne Dister | Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis (Bruxelles)
    Patrick Drouin | Université de Montréal
    Catherine Fuchs | CNRS, France
    ORCID logoNúria Gala | Aix-Marseille Université
    Chai-Song Hong | Seoul National University
    Véronique Hoste | Ghent University
    Jean René Klein | Catholic University of Louvain
    Svetla Koeva | Institute for Bulgarian Language - BAS, Sofia
    Tsvi Kuflik | Haifa University
    Cvetana Krstev | University of Belgrade
    Tita Kyriacopoulou | Université Gustave Eiffel
    ORCID logoKaren Lahousse | KU Leuven
    Béatrice Lamiroy | KU Leuven
    Danielle Leeman | University of Paris-Nanterre
    Anne-Laure Ligozat | LIMSI-CNRS
    Peter A. Machonis | Florida International University
    Marie-Catherine de Marneffe | Ohio State University
    Denis Maurel | Université François Rabelais de Tours
    Claude Muller | University of Bordeaux
    Jeesun Nam | Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
    Vladimir A. Plungian | Institut de la Linguistique / ASR (Moscou)
    Thierry Poibeau | LATTICE-CNRS
    Max Silberztein | University of Franche-Comté
    Elisabeth Stark | University of Zürich
    Ralf Steinberger | The European Commission's Joint Research Centre
    Liana Tronci | University for Foreigners of Siena
    Harald Ulland | University of Bergen
    Oto Araújo Vale | Universidade Federal de São Carlos
    Simonetta Vietri | University of Salerno
    Duško Vitas | University of Belgrade
    Subscription Info
    Current issue: 47:1, available as of October 2024
    Next issue: 47:2, expected February 2025

    General information about our electronic journals.

    Subscription rates

    All prices for print + online include postage/handling.

    Online-only Print + online
    Volume 48 (2025): 2 issues; ca. 350 pp. EUR 454.00 EUR 614.00
    Volume 47 (2024): 2 issues; ca. 350 pp. EUR 441.00 EUR 558.00

    Individuals may apply for a special online-only subscription rate of EUR 80.00 per volume.
    Private subscriptions are for personal use only, and must be pre-paid and ordered directly from the publisher.

    Available back-volumes

    Online-only Print + online
    Complete backset
    (Vols. 1‒46; 1977‒2023)
    92 issues;
    18,200 pp.
    EUR 20,380.00 EUR 21,470.00
    Volume 46 (2023) 2 issues; 350 pp. EUR 428.00 EUR 507.00
    Volumes 43‒45 (2020‒2022) 2 issues; avg. 350 pp. EUR 428.00 per volume EUR 497.00 per volume
    Volume 42 (2019) 2 issues; 350 pp. EUR 420.00 EUR 487.00
    Volume 41 (2018) 2 issues; 350 pp. EUR 408.00 EUR 473.00
    Volume 40 (2017) 2 issues; 350 pp. EUR 396.00 EUR 459.00
    Volume 39 (2016) 2 issues; 350 pp. EUR 396.00 EUR 446.00
    Volume 38 (2015) 2 issues; 350 pp. EUR 396.00 EUR 433.00
    Volume 37 (2014) 2 issues; 350 pp. EUR 396.00 EUR 420.00
    Volume 36 (2013) 2 issues; 350 pp. EUR 396.00 EUR 408.00
    Volumes 23‒35 (2000‒2012) 2 issues; avg. 350 pp. EUR 384.00 per volume EUR 396.00 per volume
    Volumes 1‒22 (1977‒1998) 2 issues; avg. 445 pp. EUR 494.00 per volume EUR 509.00 per volume

    Articles submitted for consideration should be prepared in line with the Stylesheet (English version / French version).

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    When your paper is accepted, the publisher will need a word-processor version of each article (Word, RTF, Tex, or such), in addition to a PDF version with all fonts embedded.


    Submission can be sent to the editorial assistant: Takuya Nakamura, takuya.nakamura at

    Articles submitted for consideration should follow these Guidelines.

    Each paper submitted to Lingvisticae Investigationes is reviewed by at least two reviewers chosen for their expertise. Acceptation or rejection is based on the reviewers' reports. If you submit an article for a thematic issue, additional requirements may be determined by the (guest) editors of that issue.

    Proposals for thematic issues are welcomed. Please consult these instructions.


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    Terminology & Lexicography


    Main BIC Subject

    CF: Linguistics

    Main BISAC Subject

    LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General