Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education

ORCID logoRachel L. Shively | Illinois State University | rshivel at
Assistant Editor
Anne Marie Devlin | University College Cork
Reflecting the growth of international exchange programmes in an educational context, Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education has as its focus the role of study abroad in language learning and educational development. In the area of language learning, articles explore all facets of second language acquisition during study abroad such as the nature of linguistic development, input engagement and interaction, and the role of contextual, social and socio-biographical factors underpinning the learner’s experience abroad. The journal also explores issues beyond the linguistic, such as the relationship between study abroad and academic, professional, personal and social development. A complementary area of focus is educational policy and planning issues in study abroad exchange programmes within international education. The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles, thematic issues, invited state-of-the-art articles, and short squibs and research reports.

SAR publishes its articles Online First.

ISSN: 2405-5522 | E-ISSN: 2405-5530
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Latest articles

19 December 2024

  • Language learning, desire, and global power dynamics : Narrative of a Japanese woman studying abroad in the Philippines
    Aika Ishige
  • 29 August 2024

  • Words worth noticing : Attention to lexicon, private languaging, and student L2 journals in a study abroad context
    Richard Feddersen , John L. Plews Kim Misfeldt
  • 21 May 2024

  • L2 interactional competence in a short-term service-learning and study abroad program
    Dale A. Koike Cecilia Tocaimaza-Hatch | SAR 9:2 (2024) pp. 157–187
  • “It’s like I got a new pair of glasses” : Reflections on sense of self, home, and belonging among transnational students in short-term study abroad programs
    Mareike Müller | SAR 9:2 (2024) pp. 188–216
  • 14 May 2024

  • The complex L2 self : Chinese study abroad students’ EFL motivations through the lens of neoliberalism and Neo-Confucianism
    Jordan Carolan Anne Marie Devlin | SAR 9:2 (2024) pp. 245–281
  • Oral proficiency gains of study abroad students before and during the COVID-19 pandemic : A matched samples analysis
    Sybille Heinzmann , Robert Hilbe , Kristina Ehrsam Lukas Bleichenbacher | SAR 9:2 (2024) pp. 127–156
  • 13 May 2024

  • Introducing regression discontinuity design to applied linguistics : The case of Japanese government study-abroad scholarships
    Miyuki Sasaki , Yuki Higuchi , Makiko Nakamuro , Carsten Roever Tomoko Yashima | SAR 9:2 (2024) pp. 217–244
  • 9 February 2024

  • When heritage speakers study in their heritage countries : An exploration of identity dynamics and their implications for study abroad program success
    Paola Guerrero-Rodriguez , Diego Pascual y Cabo Josh Prada | SAR 9:1 (2024) pp. 1–25
  • The effects of study abroad on L2 vocabulary development : A meta-analysis
    Emre Güvendir , Judith Borràs Meltem Acar Güvendir | SAR 9:1 (2024) pp. 26–51
  • Adjust or crumble while studying abroad : The power of grit, cultural intelligence, and critical reflection
    J. Kline Harrison , Holly Brower Nelson C. Brunsting | SAR 9:1 (2024) pp. 52–75
  • Learners’ beliefs about English language learning : The case of Korean college students sojourning in the United States
    Hyun-Sook Kang | SAR 9:1 (2024) pp. 76–99
  • Do students carry their home in their pocket? Influence and impact of smartphone usage on the attachment to or detachment from family and friends during study abroad
    Aurore Mroz | SAR 9:1 (2024) pp. 100–126
  • 5 October 2023

  • The changing landscape of heritage language learners abroad : Current research and future directions
    Angela George | SAR 8:2 (2023) pp. 177–196
  • Spanish heritage speakers as pre-departure conversation partners : Enriching study abroad for students from diverse backgrounds
    Silvia Marijuan | SAR 8:2 (2023) pp. 259–290
  • A mí no me gusta España mucho” vs. “Yo quiero ir a toda España, me encanta España : Heritage speakers and their receptiveness to Spain and Peninsular Spanish
    Meghann M. Peace | SAR 8:2 (2023) pp. 197–229
  • “Being myself in Spanish” : A heritage speaker’s evolving pragmatic choices and awareness during study abroad
    Rebecca Pozzi , Chelsea Escalante Tracy Quan | SAR 8:2 (2023) pp. 230–258
  • Chinese heritage speakers as language brokers in internship abroad
    Yi Wang Wenhao Diao | SAR 8:2 (2023) pp. 291–313
  • IssuesOnline-first articles

    Volume 9 (2024)

    Volume 8 (2023)

    Volume 7 (2022)

    Volume 6 (2021)

    Volume 5 (2020)

    Volume 4 (2019)

    Volume 3 (2018)

    Volume 2 (2017)

    Volume 1 (2016)

    Editorial Board
    Gary Barkhuizen | University of Auckland
    ORCID logoAnne Barron | Leuphana University of Lüneburg
    Phil Benson | Macquarie University
    Jennifer Bown | Brigham Young University
    ORCID logoJoseph Collentine | Northern Arizona University
    ORCID logoJosep Maria Cots | University of Lleida
    Robert M. DeKeyser | University of Maryland
    ORCID logoJean-Marc Dewaele | Birkbeck College, University of London
    Dan Dewey | Brigham Young University
    Anwei Feng | University of Nottingham Ningbo
    Martin Howard | University College Cork
    Noriko Iwasaki | Nanzan University
    ORCID logoJane Jackson | The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    Maria Juan-Garau | University of the Balearic Islands
    Celeste Kinginger | Pennsylvania State University
    ORCID logoBarbara A. Lafford | Arizona State University
    Àngels Llanes | University of Lleida
    ORCID logoCarmen Pérez-Vidal | Pompeu Fabra University
    John L. Plews | Saint Mary's University, Canada
    ORCID logoWei Ren | Beihang University
    ORCID logoCristina Sanz | Georgetown University
    ORCID logoNaoko Taguchi | Northern Arizona University
    ORCID logoNicole Tracy-Ventura | West Virginia University
    Subscription Info
    Current issue: 9:2, available as of June 2024

    General information about our electronic journals.

    Subscription rates

    All prices for print + online include postage/handling.

    Online-only Print + online
    Volume 10 (2025): 2 issues; ca. 300 pp. EUR 204.00 EUR 267.00

    Individuals may apply for a special online-only subscription rate of EUR 65.00 per volume.
    Private subscriptions are for personal use only, and must be pre-paid and ordered directly from the publisher.

    Available back-volumes

    Online-only Print + online
    Complete backset
    (Vols. 1‒9; 2016‒2024)
    18 issues;
    2,700 pp.
    EUR 1,693.00 EUR 1,931.00
    Volume 9 (2024) 2 issues; 300 pp. EUR 198.00 EUR 243.00
    Volume 8 (2023) 2 issues; 300 pp. EUR 192.00 EUR 221.00
    Volumes 5‒7 (2020‒2022) 2 issues; avg. 300 pp. EUR 192.00 per volume EUR 217.00 per volume
    Volume 4 (2019) 2 issues; 300 pp. EUR 188.00 EUR 213.00
    Volume 3 (2018) 2 issues; 300 pp. EUR 183.00 EUR 207.00
    Volume 2 (2017) 2 issues; 300 pp. EUR 178.00 EUR 201.00
    Volume 1 (2016) 2 issues; 300 pp. EUR 178.00 EUR 195.00

    Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education (SAR)

    1. Authors wishing to submit articles for publication in SAR are requested to do so through the journal’s online submission and manuscript tracking site. All other inquiries should be directed towards the editor by e-mailing the journal at: rshivel at
    2. Submissions should be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition. Submissions that do not follow the APA style or that do not correspond to the focus of SAR will be returned to authors without review.
    3. Contributions must be in English. Spelling should be either American English or British English and should be consistent throughout the paper. If not written by a native speaker, it is advisable to have the paper checked by a native speaker prior to submission.
    4. All articles published in this journal are double-blind peer reviewed. Self-identifying citations and references in the article text should either be avoided or left blank when manuscripts are first submitted. Authors are responsible for reinserting self-identifying citations and references when manuscripts are prepared for final submission.
    5. For initial submission, authors should submit their MANUSCRIPT in electronic form in Word only, double-spaced with 3 cm/1 inch margins. While submitting the manuscript, authors must provide a concise and informative title of the article; the name, affiliation, and address of each author; a self-contained abstract in English (100-150 words) that should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references, and five to ten keywords to be used for indexing purposes.
    6. Submissions should be approximately 8,500 words long.
    7. Upon acceptance, the author will be requested to furnish the FINAL VERSION in electronic form (Word).
    8. Authors are responsible for observing copyright laws when quoting or reproducing material. The copyright of articles published in SAR is held by the publisher. Permission for the author to use the article elsewhere will be granted by the publisher provided full acknowledgement is given to the source.
    9. Authors should provide the final version of the 100-150 word abstract in English.
    10. Papers should be reasonably divided into sections and, if appropriate, subsections. The headings of these subsections should be numbered in Arabic numerals (1.; 1.1.; 1.1.1.). Authors are advised not to use more than three levels of displayed headings.
    11. Line drawings (FIGURES) should be submitted as reproducible originals. They should be numbered consecutively, and appropriate captions should be provided. Reference to any FIGURES should be given in the appropriate place where they should appear.
    12. TABLES should be numbered consecutively and should be referred to in the main text. TABLES should be created with Word’s table function, not as spreadsheets.
    13. NOTES should appear as ENDNOTES and should be concise, kept to a minimum, and numbered consecutively throughout the paper.
    14. REFERENCES in the text should be formatted according to APA style:

      A Work by Two Authors: Name both authors in the signal phrase or in the parentheses each time you cite the work. Use the word “and” between the authors’ names within the text and use the ampersand in the parentheses.

      Research by Wegener and Petty (1994) supports...

      Research supports…. (Wegener & Petty, 1994)

      A Work by Three to Five Authors: List all the authors in the signal phrase or in parentheses the first time you cite the source.

      (Kernis, Cornell, Sun, Berry, & Harlow, 1993)

      In subsequent citations, only use the first author’s last name followed by “et al.” in the signal phrase or in parentheses.

      (Kernis et al., 1993)

      In et al. , et should not be followed by a period.

      Six or More Authors: Use the first author’s name followed by et al. in the signal phrase or in parentheses.

      Harris et al. (2001) argued...

      (Harris et al., 2001)

      Two or More Works in the Same Parentheses: When your parenthetical citation includes two or more works, order them the same way they appear in the reference list, separated by a semi-colon. That means that they are in alphabetical, not chronological order.

      (Berndt, 2002; Harlow, 1983)

      Authors With the Same Last Name: To prevent confusion, use first initials with the last names.

      (E. Johnson, 2001; L. Johnson, 1998)

      Two or More Works by the Same Author in the Same Year: If you have two sources by the same author in the same year, use lower-case letters (a, b, c) with the year to order the entries in the reference list. Use the lower-case letters with the year in the in-text citation.

      Research by Berndt (1981a) illustrated that...

      Book (monograph):

      Montrul, S.A. (2008). Incomplete acquisition in bilingualism. Re-examining the age factor. John Benjamins.


      Anderson, B. (2002). The fundamental equivalence of native and interlanguage grammars: Evidence from argument licensing and adjective position (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Indiana University.

      Book (edited volume):

      Brinton, D., Kagan, O., & Bauckus, S. (Eds.). (2008). Heritage language education. A new field emerging. Routledge.

      Article (in book):

      Bullock, B. E., & Toribio, A. J. (2009). Trying to hit a moving target: On the sociophonetics of code-switching. In L. Isurin, D. Winford, & K. de Bot (Eds.), Multidisciplinary approaches to code switching (pp. 189-206). John Benjamins.

      Articles (in journal):

      Grosjean, F. (1998). Studying bilinguals. Methodological and conceptual issues. Bilingualism, Language and Cognition, 1(2), 131-149.

      Bobaljik, J. D., & Wurmbrand, S. (2002). Notes on agreement in Itelmen. Linguistic Discovery, 1(1). Retrieved on 27 July 2021 from

      Electronic, online sources:

      Liberman, M. (2006). Uptalk is not HRT. Language Log, 28 March 2006. Retrieved on 30 March 2006 from

    15. Authors are kindly requested to check their manuscripts very carefully before submission in order to avoid delays in publication. The first author will receive a PDF file with page proofs for final correction. One set must be returned with corrections by the dates determined by the publication schedule. Any author’s alterations other than typographical corrections in the page proofs may be charged to the author.

    Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education (SAR) offers online submission .

    Before submitting, please consult the guidelines and the Short Guide to EM for Authors.

    If you are not able to submit online, or for any other editorial correspondence, please contact the editor via e-mail: rshivel at


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    Main BIC Subject

    CJ: Language teaching & learning (other than ELT)

    Main BISAC Subject