Book reviews

  • Émile Benveniste. 2019. Last Lectures. Collège de France 1968 and 1969
    Reviewed by Pierre Swiggers | HL 47:2-3 (2020) pp. 347–359
  • Jean-Paul BronckartEcaterina Bulea Bronckart. 2022. Ferdinand de Saussure. Une science du langage pour une science de l’humain
    Compte rendu par Pierre-Yves Testenoire | HL 50:2-3 (2023) pp. 325–331
  • Franck Cinato, Aimée LahaussoisJohn B. Whitman. 2023. Glossing Practice: Comparative Perspectives
    Reviewed by Irene O’Daly
  • Bernard ColombatAimée Lahaussois. 2019. Histoire des parties du discours
    Compte rendu par Nico Lioce | HL 47:2-3 (2020) pp. 322–331
  • John Considine. 2022. Sixteenth-Century English Dictionaries
    Reviewed by Angela Andreani | HL 49:2-3 (2022) pp. 385–390
  • Marina De PaloStefano Gensini. 2022. With Saussure, beyond Saussure. Between linguistics and philosophy of language
    Reviewed by Estanislao Sofía | HL 50:1 (2023) pp. 124–129
  • Henri Estienne. 2020. La latinité injustement soupçonnée suivi de Dissertation sur la latinité de Plaute
    Reviewed by Douglas A. Kibbee | HL 48:2-3 (2021) pp. 332–335
  • John GoldsmithBernard Laks. 2019. Battle in the Mind Fields
    Reviewed by Patrick Flack | HL 47:2-3 (2020) pp. 360–369
  • Ken Hirschkop. 2019. Linguistic Turns, 1890–1950: Writing on language as social theory
    Reviewed by Lorenzo Cigana | HL 49:2-3 (2022) pp. 412–418
  • Fred W. HouseholderSol Saporta. 2022. Problems in Lexicography
    Reviewed by John Considine | HL 50:1 (2023) pp. 134–143
  • Julia HübnerHorst J. Simon. 2021. Fremdsprachenlehrwerke in der Frühen Neuzeit. Perspektiven – Potentiale – Herausforderungen
    Rezensiert von Friederike Klippel | HL 49:1 (2022) pp. 148–153
  • András ImrényiNicolas Mazziotta. 2020. Chapters of Dependency Grammar. A historical survey from Antiquity to Tesnière
    Reviewed by Franck Neveu | HL 48:2-3 (2021) pp. 316–322
  • Ludwig JägerAndreas Kablitz. 2023. Saussure et l’épistémè structuraliste. / Saussure und die strukturalistische Episteme
    Rezensiert von Bohumil Vykypěl | HL 50:1 (2023) pp. 130–133
  • John E. Joseph. 2018. Language, Mind, and Body: A conceptual history
    Reviewed by David Cram | HL 47:2-3 (2020) pp. 332–339
  • Marcin Kilarski. 2021. A History of the Study of the Indigenous Languages of North America
    Reviewed by John E. Joseph | HL 49:2-3 (2022) pp. 405–411
  • E. F. K. Koerner. 2020. Last Papers in Linguistic Historiography
    Reviewed by Cristina Altman | HL 48:1 (2021) pp. 127–135
  • Frédéric LambertGuillaume Bonnet. 2021. Apollonius Dyscole et Priscien: Transmettre, traduire, interpréter. Éléments d’une histoire problématique
    Reviewed by Philomen Probert | HL 49:1 (2022) pp. 133–140
  • James McElvenny. 2019. Gabelentz and the Science of Language
    Reviewed by Jacques François | HL 47:2-3 (2020) pp. 340–346
  • James McElvenny. 2023. The Limits of Structuralism. Forgotten Texts in the History of Modern Linguistics
    Rezensiert von Clemens Knobloch | HL 50:2-3 (2023) pp. 332–340
  • James McElvenny. 2024. A History of Modern Linguistics: From the beginnings to World War II
    Reviewed by Gerda Haßler
  • Franck NeveuAudrey Roig. 2022. L’œuvre de Lucien Tesnière. Lectures contemporaines
    Compte rendu par Samuel Bidaud | HL 49:1 (2022) pp. 154–161
  • Priscien. 2023. Grammaire Livre VIII. Le verbe 1: Caractères généraux
    Compte rendu par Lionel Dumarty
  • Christophe Rey. 2023. Léonard de Vinci, génie des langues
    Compte rendu par Claudia Schweitzer | HL 50:1 (2023) pp. 117–123
  • Manfred Ringmacher. 2016. Wilhelm von Humboldt: Einleitende und vergleichende amerikanische Arbeiten [Introductory and Comparative American Works]
    Reviewed by Gerda Haßler | HL 48:2-3 (2021) pp. 323–331
  • Christopher Rundle. 2022. The Routledge Handbook of Translation History
    Reviewed by Wei ChenYue Liu | HL 50:2-3 (2023) pp. 341–352
  • Manuel SartoriFrancesco Binaghi (Edited by). 2022. The foundations of Arab linguistics V. Kitāb Sībawayhi, The Critical Theory.
    Reviewed by Jonathan Owens
  • Roger Schöntag. 2022. Das Verständnis von Vulgärlatein in der Frühen Neuzeit vor dem Hintergrund der questione della lingua. Eine Untersuchung zur Begriffsgeschichte im Rahmen der sozio- und varietätenlinguistischen Verortung: Die sprachtheoretische Debatte zur Antike von Leonardo Bruni und Flavio Biondo bis Celso Cittadini (1436–1601), unter Berücksichtigung von Dante Alighieri und der mittelalterlichen Sprachphilosophie
    Reviewed by Kees Versteegh | HL 49:1 (2022) pp. 141–147
  • Roger Schöntag. 2022. Das Verständnis von Vulgärlatein in der Frühen Neuzeit vor dem Hintergrund der questione della lingua. Eine Untersuchung zur Begriffsgeschichte im Rahmen der sozio- und varietätenlinguistischen Verortung: Die sprachtheoretische Debatte zur Antike von Leonardo Bruni und Flavio Biondo bis Celso Cittadini (1436–1601), unter Berücksichtigung von Dante Alighieri und der mittelalterlichen Sprachphilosophie
    Reviewed by Kees Versteegh
  • Margaret Thomas. 2020. Formalism and Functionalism in Linguistics. The Engineer and the Collector
    Reviewed by Peter Harder | HL 48:2-3 (2021) pp. 336–343
  • Stephen Turton. 2024. Before the Word was Queer: Sexuality and the English Dictionary, 1600–1930
    Reviewed by John Considine
  • Raf Van Rooy, Pierre Van HeckeToon Van Hal. 2022. Trilingual Learning: The Study of Greek and Hebrew in a Latin World (1000–1700)
    Reviewed by Eleanor Dickey | HL 49:2-3 (2022) pp. 380–384
  • François Vincent. 2020. Ferdinand de Saussure, Le premier cours de linguistique générale: La trilogie achevée
    Reviewed by John E. Joseph | HL 48:1 (2021) pp. 118–126
  • John Walker. 2022. Wilhelm von Humboldt and Transcultural Communication in a Multicultural World: Translating Humanity
    Rezensiert von Cord-Friedrich Berghahn | HL 50:2-3 (2023) pp. 315–324
  • H. Ekkehard Wolff. 2019. A history of African linguistics
    Reviewed by Cécile Van den Avenne | HL 50:2-3 (2023) pp. 375–376
  • A

  • R. C. Alston. 1974. A Bibliography of the English Language from the Invention of Printing to the Year 1800: A Corrected Reprint of Volumes I–X
    Reviewed by Donald Gutch | HL 2:2 (1975) pp. 233–238
  • T(amara) A(leksandrovna) Amirova, B(oris) A(ndreevič) Ol’xovikovJu(rij) V(ladimirovič) Roz-destvenskij. 1980. Abriß der Geschichte der Linguistik
    Reviewed by Pierre Swiggers | HL 10:1-2 (1983) p. 97
  • Mark Amsler. 2011. Affective literacies: Writing and multilingualism in the late Middle Ages
    Reviewed by Louis G. Kelly | HL 40:3 (2013) pp. 493–498
  • Analogy. By Raimo Anttila
    Reviewed by Douglas C. Walker | HL 5:3 (1978) pp. 305–307
  • Raimo Anttila. 1977. AnalogyRaimo AnttilaWarren A. Brewer. 1977 Analogy: A basic bibliography
    Reviewed by Douglas C. Walker | HL 5:3 (1978) pp. 305–307
  • Hans Arens. 1984. Aristotle’s Theory of Language and its Tradition. Texts from 500–1750
    Reviewed by L. G. Kelly | HL 12:1-2 (1985) pp. 189–192
  • Ars Grammatica: A bibliographic survey. Two Essays on the Latin and Italian Subjunctive, and a Note on the Ablative Absolute. By Aldo Domenico Scaglione
    Reviewed by Diego Zancani | HL 1:3 (1974) pp. 418–426
  • Michael BergunderRahul Peter Das (Ed. by). 2002. “Arier” und “Draviden”: Konstruktionen der Vergangenheit als Grundlage für Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmungen Südasiens
    Reviewed by Bernard Mees | HL 31:1 (2004) pp. 145–150
  • Tej K. Bhatia. 1987. A History of the Hindi Grammatical Tradition. Hindi-Hindustani Grammar, Grammarians, History and Problems
    Reviewed by Rosane Rocher | HL 17:3 (1990) pp. 388–393
  • Leonard Bloomfield. 1983. An Introduction to the Study of Language
    Reviewed by Robert A. Hall | HL 10:3 (1983) pp. 320–324
  • Franz Bopp. 1974. Analytical Comparison of the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, and Teutonic Languages, shewing the original identity of their grammatical structure
    Recensione di Sebastiano Timpanaro | HL 3:2 (1976) pp. 225–230
  • Michael George Carter (Edited by). 1981. Arab Linguistics: An Introductory Classical Text with Translation and Notes
    Reviewed by William Cowan | HL 10:1-2 (1983) pp. 120–124
  • Laurent CesalliJanette Friedrich (Edited by). 2014. Anton Marty & Karl Bühler: Between mind and language – Zwischen Denken und Sprache – Entre pensée et langage
    Reviewed by Savina Raynaud | HL 43:1-2 (2016) pp. 229–237
  • Carmen CodoñerJuan Antonio González Iglesias (Edición a cargo de). 1994. Antonio de Nebrija: Edad Media y Renacimiento [Actas del coloquio celebrado en Salamanca, noviembre 1992.]
    Rezensiert von Hans-Josef Niederehe | HL 24:1-2 (1997) pp. 213–217
  • Julie Coleman. 2004–2010. A History of Cant and Slang Dictionaries
    Reviewed by John Considine | HL 38:3 (2011) pp. 389–395
  • John Considine. 2014. Academy Dictionaries 1600–1800
    Reviewed by Philip Durkin | HL 44:1 (2017) pp. 171–176
  • Regna Darnell. 1998. And along came Boas: Continuity and Revolution in Americanist Anthropology
    Reviewed by Michael Mackert | HL 26:3 (1999) pp. 429–435
  • Fray Alonso de Molina. 2001. Aquí comiença vn Vocabulario en la lengua castellana y mexicana
    Reviewed by Miguel Ángel Esparza Torres | HL 29:3 (2002) pp. 431–436
  • Eleanor Dickey. 2007. Ancient Greek Scholarship: A guide to finding, reading, and understanding scholia, commentaries, lexica, and grammatical treatises, from their beginnings to the Byzantine period
    Reviewed by Malcolm D. Hyman | HL 35:3 (2008) pp. 425–431
  • Manuela Fischer, Peter BolzSusan Kamel (Ed. by). 2007. Adolf Bastian and His Universal Archive of Humanity: The origins of German anthropology
    Reviewed by Joan Leopold | HL 37:3 (2010) pp. 424–428
  • Lia Formigari. 2004. A History of Language Philosophies
    Reviewed by Talbot J. Taylor | HL 34:2-3 (2007) pp. 419–422
  • Anne-Marguerite Fryvba-Reber. 1994. Albert Sechehaye et la syntaxe imaginative: Contribution à l’histoire de la linguistique saussurienne
    Reseña de Jean-Claude Chevalier | HL 22:1-2 (1995) pp. 235–238
  • Daniele Gambarara. 1984. Alle fonti della filosofia del linguaggio: “Lingua” e “nomi” nella cultura greca arcaica
    Compte rendu par Françoise Létoublon | HL 15:3 (1988) pp. 410–416
  • W. Terrence Gordon. 1982. History of Semantics
    Reviewed by Aldo Scaglione | HL 10:3 (1983) pp. 335–339
  • Manfred Görlach. 1998. An Annotated Bibliography of Nineteenth-Century Grammars of English
    Reviewed by Malcolm J. Benson | HL 27:1 (2000) pp. 176–181
  • A. Robert Hall. 1990. A Life for Language: A biographical sketch of Leonard Bloomfield
    Reviewed by Joseph F. Kess | HL 18:1 (1991) pp. 205–210
  • Frank-Rutger Hausmann. 2003. Anglistik und Amerikanistik im “Dritten Reich”
    Rezensiert von Clemens Knobloch | HL 31:1 (2004) pp. 151–157
  • Louis Hjelmslev. 1974. Prolegomena zu einer SprachtheorieLouis Hjelmslev. 1974 Aufsätze zur Sprachwissenschaft
    Rezensiert von Thomas Kotschi | HL 4:1 (1977) p. 97
  • Even Hovdhaugen (Ed. by). 1996. … and the Word was God: Missionary Linguistics and Missionary Grammar
    Reviewed by Cristina Altman | HL 24:3 (1997) pp. 400–404
  • Werner Hüllen. 2004. A History of Roget’s Thesaurus: Origins, Development, and Design
    Reviewed by Fredric Dolezal | HL 32:1-2 (2005) pp. 218–227
  • Małgorzata Anna Kamińska. 2014. A History of the ‘Concise Oxford Dictionary’
    Reviewed by Charlotte Brewer | HL 42:2-3 (2015) pp. 441–445
  • Julia Kuhlmann. 2003. Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland nach 1945
    Rezensiert von Klaas-Hinrich Ehlers | HL 33:1-2 (2006) pp. 236–243
  • Avi Lifschitz. 2012. Language and Enlightenment: The Berlin Debates of the Eighteenth Century
    Reviewed by Stefano Gensini | HL 41:1 (2014) pp. 158–163
  • Jack LynchAnne McDermott (Edited by). 2005. Anniversary Essays on Johnson’s Dictionary
    Reviewed by Werner Hüllen | HL 33:3 (2006) pp. 426–430
  • Stephanos Matthaios, Franco MontanariAntonios Rengakos (Herausgegeben von). 2011. Ancient Scholarship and Grammar: Archetypes, Concepts and Contexts
    Rezensiert von Philipp Brandenburg | HL 40:1-2 (2013) pp. 249–255
  • Peter Matthews. 2001. A Short History of Structural Linguistics
    Compte rendu par Stijn Verleyen | HL 30:1-2 (2003) pp. 231–238
  • Deborah K. W. Modrak. 2001. Aristotle’s Theory of Language and Meaning
    Rezensiert von Tim Wagner | HL 32:3 (2005) pp. 343–348
  • Furio MurruGiuseppe Pessolano Filos. 1980. Alla riscoperta della didactica del latino in Italia nel settecento e nell’ ottocento
    Rezensiert von Raimund Pfister | HL 8:1 (1981) pp. 105–106
  • Cordula Neis. 2003. Anthropologie im Sprachdenken des 18. Jahrhunderts: Die Berliner Preisfrage nach dem Ursprung der Sprache (1771)
    Reviewed by T. Craig Christy | HL 31:1 (2004) pp. 164–169
  • Brigitte Nerlich. 1988.
    Rezensiert von Hans Arens | HL 18:2-3 (1991) pp. 388–393
  • Jan Noordegraaf, Frank VonkMarijke van der Wal (Edited by). 2006. Amicitia in Academia: Composities voor Els Elffers
    Compte rendu par Stijn Verleyen | HL 34:2-3 (2007) pp. 427–432
  • Holger Pedersen. 1983. A Glance at the History of Linguistics with particular Regard to the Historical Study of Phonology.
    Reviewed by Anna Morpurgo Davies | HL 12:1-2 (1985) pp. 216–220
  • Savina Raynaud. 1982. Anton Marty, filosofo del linguaggio: Uno strutturalismo presaussuriano
    Rezensiert von Clemens Knobloch | HL 12:1-2 (1985) pp. 221–227
  • Rodney Sampson (Ed. by). 1993. Authority in the French Language: Papers from a Conference at the University of Bristol
    Reviewed by Douglas A. Kibbee | HL 21:1-2 (1994) pp. 221–226
  • Ferdinand de Saussure. 2013. Anagrammes homériquesPierre-Yves Testenoire. 2013. Ferdinand de Saussure à la recherche des anagrammes
    Reviewed by John E. Joseph | HL 41:2-3 (2014) pp. 398–401
  • Aldo D[omenico] Scaglione. 1970. Ars Grammatica: A bibliographic survey. Two Essays on the Latin and Italian Subjunctive, and a Note on the Ablative AbsoluteAldo Scaglione. 1972. The Classical Theory of Composition; from its origins to the present: A historical survey
    Reviewed by Diego Zancani | HL 1:3 (1974) pp. 418–426
  • Samantha Schad. 2007. A Lexicon of Latin Grammatical Terminology
    Reviewed by Javier Uría | HL 35:1-2 (2008) pp. 177–182
  • Dirk M. Schenkeveld. 2004. A Rhetorical Grammar: C. Iulius Romanus, Introduction to the Liber De adverbio as incorporated in Charisius’ Ars Grammatica II.13. Edition with introduction, translation and commentary
    Rezensiert von Stephanos Matthaios | HL 32:3 (2005) pp. 349–357
  • George Y. Shevelov. 1979. Historical Phonology of the Ukrainian Language
    Reviewed by Jaroslav B. Rudnyckyj | HL 8:1 (1981) pp. 122–126
  • Ineke Sluiter. 1990. Ancient Grammar in Context: Contributions to the study of ancient linguistic thought
    Reviewed by Kees Versteegh | HL 19:2-3 (1992) pp. 401–408
  • Edward Stankiewicz. 1972. A Baudouin de Courtenay Anthology: The beginnings of structural linguistics
    Reviewed by D. Barton Johnson | HL 1:1 (1974) pp. 123–129
  • Yasir Suleiman (Ed. by). 1999. Arabic Grammar and Linguistics
    Reviewed by Michael G. Carter | HL 28:1-2 (2001) pp. 221–225
  • Maria Paola Tenchini. 2008. Aspetti funzionali e pragmatici nel pensiero linguistico di Philipp Wegener. Con la traduzione antologica di Philipp Wegener, Untersuchungen über die Grundfragen des Sprachlebens
    Reviewed by Maria Patrizia Bologna | HL 36:2-3 (2009) pp. 447–451
  • Marcus Tomalin. 2011. “And he knew our language”: Missionary linguistics on the Pacific Northwest Coast
    Reviewed by David Beck | HL 39:2-3 (2012) pp. 403–408
  • Céline Trautmann-Waller. 2006. Aux origines d’une science allemande de la culture: Linguistique et psychologie des peuples chez Heymann Steinthal
    Reviewed by T. Craig Christy | HL 36:2-3 (2009) pp. 452–457
  • Alexander Fraser Tytler. 1978. Essay on the Principles of Translation
    Reviewed by T. R. Steiner | HL 6:2 (1979) pp. 253–260
  • Els van der Geest, Frits van der KuipJan Noordegraaf (Bezorgd door). 2012. Anthonia Feitsma, Tussen Hemsterhuis en Grimm: Joast Hiddes Halbertsma als taalkundige
    Reviewed by Gijsbert Rutten | HL 40:1-2 (2013) pp. 278–282
  • Telmo Verdelho. 1995. As origens da gramaticografiae da lexicograafia latino-portuguesas
    Reviewed by Carlota Rosa | HL 24:1-2 (1997) pp. 227–231
  • Joanna Radwańska Williams. 1993. A Paradigm Lost: The Linguistic Theory of Mikoɫaj Kruszewski
    Reviewed by Aleksander Szwedek | HL 22:1-2 (1995) pp. 245–250
  • B

  • Anne Aarssen, René GenisEline van der Veken. 2017. Bibliographie linguistique de l’année 2016 et complément des années précédentes [Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 2016 and supplement for previous years]
    Reviewed by Pierre Swiggers | HL 47:1 (2020) pp. 120–137
  • Wendy Ayres-BennettMagali Seijido (Sous la direction de). 2013. Bon usage et variation sociolinguistique: Perspectives diachroniques et traditions nationales
    Compte rendu par Gerda Haßler | HL 42:1 (2015) pp. 173–182
  • Barrie E(verdell) Bartlett. 1975. Beauzée’s Grammaire générale: Theory and methodology.
    Compte rendu par Sylvain Auroux | HL 4:3 (1977) pp. 383–388
  • Gabriel Bergounioux (Herausgegeben von). 2000. Bréal et le sens de la « Sémantique »
    Rezensiert von Peter Wunderli | HL 29:1-2 (2002) pp. 203–216
  • Jean Bingen, André CoupezFrancine Mawet (a cura di). 1980. Recherches de linguistique: Hommages à Maurice Leroy
    Recensione di Furio Murru | HL 8:1 (1981) p. 99
  • Arthur J. Bronstein, Lawrence J. RaphaelCj Stevens (Ed. by). 1977. Biographical Dictionary of the Phonetic Sciences
    Reviewed by David Abercrombie | HL 5:3 (1978) pp. 313–318
  • Henry M. HoenigswaldLinda F. Wiener (Ed. by). 1987. Biological Metaphor and Cladistic Classification: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
    Reviewed by Jindřich Toman | HL 16:1-2 (1989) pp. 194–200
  • Casper de Jonge. 2008. Between Grammar and Rhetoric: Dionysius of Halicarnassus on Language, Linguistics and Literature
    Reviewed by Anneli Luhtala | HL 37:1-2 (2010) pp. 193–199
  • Hans-Josef Niederehe. 2005. Bibliografía cronológica de la lingüística, la gramática y la lexicografía del españo: Desde el año 1701 hasta el año 1800 (BICRES III)
    Reseña de María José García Folgado | HL 34:1 (2007) pp. 146–149
  • Peter C. Rollins. 1980. Benjamin Lee Whorf: Lost Generation Theories of Mind, Language and Religion
    Reviewed by Stephen O. Murray | HL 9:1-2 (1982) pp. 156–161
  • Reinhard Sternemann (Herausgegeben von). 1994. Bopp-Symposium 1992 der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Akten der Konferenz vom 24.3.–26.3.1992 aus Anlaß von Franz Bopps zweihundert-jährigem Geburtstag am 14.9.191
    Reviewed by Henry M. Hoenigswald | HL 22:3 (1995) pp. 421–423
  • Sijmen TolHella Olbertz (Compiled by). 2006. Bibliographie Linguistique de l’année 2002 et compléments des années précédentes / Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 2002 and supplements for previous years
    Reviewed by E. F. K. Koerner | HL 34:2-3 (2007) pp. 432–434
  • Sijmen Tol, Hella Olbertz, Dirk GlandorfTheo Horstman. 2007. Bibliographie Linguistique de l’année 2003 et compléments des années précédentes / Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 2003 and supplements for previous years
    Reviewed by E. F. K. Koerner | HL 36:1 (2009) pp. 178–180
  • Sijmen Tol, Hella OlbertzDirk Glandorf (with the assistance of). 2008. Bibliographie Linguistique de l’année 2004 et compléments des années précédentes / Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 2004 and supplements for previous yearsSijmen Tol, Hella Olbertz, Cirillo Robert, Hanneke van LoonFannie St-Pierre-Tanguay (with the assistance of). 2009 Linguistic Bibliography for the Years 2005–2008 and supplements for previous years / Bibliographie Linguistique des années 2005–2008 et compléments des années précédentes
    Reviewed by E. F. K. Koerner | HL 37:3 (2010) pp. 441–444
  • Miguel Ángel Esparza Torres, Elena Battaner Moro, Vicente Calvo Fernández, Adrián Álvarez FernándezSusana Rodríguez Barcia. 2008. Bibliografía temática de historiografía lingüística española: Fuentes secundarias
    Reviewed by Barry L. Velleman | HL 36:1 (2009) pp. 169–173
  • Miguel Ángel Esparza TorresHans-Josef Niederehe. 2012. Bibliografía cronológica de la lingüística, la gramática y la lexicografía del español (BICRES IV). Desde el año 1801 hasta el año 1860
    Reviewed by Steven N. Dworkin | HL 39:2-3 (2012) pp. 419–423
  • Par Rosaria Vignolo Munson. 2005. Black Doves Speak: Herodotus and the languages of barbarians
    Compte rendu par Bruno Rochette | HL 33:1-2 (2006) pp. 197–202
  • C

  • Aliènor Bertrand. 2016. Condillac, philosophe du langage?
    Compte rendu par Gerda Haßler | HL 45:1-2 (2018) pp. 225–234
  • Maria Broggiato (Edizione, introduzione e note a cura di). 2001. Cratete di Mallo, I frammenti
    Reviewed by Francesca Schironi | HL 31:2-3 (2004) pp. 449–456
  • Jean-Claude ChevalierPierre Encrevé. 2006. Combats pour la linguistique, de Martinet à Kristeva: Essai de dramaturgie épistémologique
    Reviewed by Stijn Verleyen | HL 34:1 (2007) pp. 131–135
  • Chomsky no Brasil / Chomsky in Brazil (edição bilíngüe). Revista de Docu-mentação de Estudos em Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada (D.E.L.T.A.)
    Reviewed by John E. Joseph | HL 26:3 (1999) pp. 421–428
  • Tim Denecker, Piet Desmet, Lieve Jooken, Peter Lauwers, Toon van HalRaf van Rooy (dir.). 2022. The Architecture of Grammar. Studies in Linguistic Historiography in Honor of Pierre Swiggers
    Compte rendu par Wolf Dietrich | HL 49:2-3 (2022) pp. 391–404
  • Alessandro Garcea (Edition, translation, and commentary by). 2012. Caesar’s De analogia
    Reviewed by Anneli Luhtala | HL 40:1-2 (2013) pp. 256–262
  • Desmond Paul Henry. 1974. Commentary on “De Grammatico”: The historical-logical dimensions of a dialogue of St. Anselm’s
    Reviewed by John A. Trentman | HL 3:1 (1976) p. 98
  • Ernst Håkon Jahr. 2006. Clara Holst – en kvinnelig pionér i akademia i Norge
    Reviewed by Kjell Ivar Vannebo | HL 36:2-3 (2009) pp. 443–446
  • Mary Ritchie Key. 1980. Catherine the Great’s Linguistic Contribution
    Reviewed by Victor E. Hanzeli | HL 10:1-2 (1983) pp. 126–129
  • Douglas A. Kibbee (Edited by). 2010. Chomskyan (R)evolutions
    Reviewed by Gregory Radick | HL 38:3 (2011) pp. 432–435
  • E. F. K. KoernerR. E. Asher. 1995. Concise History of the Language Sciences: From the Sumerians to the Cognitivists
    Reviewed by Andrew Robert Linn | HL 23:1-2 (1996) pp. 194–200
  • Pierre Larcher. 2021. L’invention de la luġa al-fuṣḥā: une histoire de l’arabe par les textes
    Compte rendu par Julien Sibileau | HL 49:2-3 (2022) pp. 372–379
  • lorgu lordan. 1975. Comitetul român de istoria si filozofia stiintei, Istoria stiintelor în România: Lingvistica [ Comité roumain de l’histoire et de la philologie des sciences, L’histoire des sciences en Roumanie: La linguistique]
    Compte rendu par Helmuth Frisch | HL 4:2 (1977) pp. 262–268
  • Nick Riemer. 2021. L’emprise de la grammaire. Propositions épistémologiques pour une linguistique mineure
    Compte rendu par Sémir Badir | HL 49:2-3 (2022) pp. 419–426
  • Ferdinand de Saussure. Cours de linguistique générale
    Rezensiert von Christian Stetter | HL 41:2-3 (2014) pp. 402–405
  • Ferdinand de Saussure. 1974. Cours de linguistique générale
    Reviewed by William Washabaugh | HL 3:1 (1976) pp. 117–120
  • Richard Steadman-Jones. 2007. Colonialism and Grammatical Representation: John Gilchrist and the analysis of the ‘Hindustani’ language in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries
    Reviewed by John E. Joseph | HL 36:1 (2009) pp. 132–136
  • N. S. Troubetzkoy. 2006. Correspondance avec Roman Jakobson et autres écrits
    Compte rendu par Michel Viel | HL 34:1 (2007) p. 980
  • Hartwig WiedebachAnnette Winkelmann. 2002. Chajim H. Steinthal: Sprachwissenschaftler und Philosoph im 19. Jahrhundert / Linguist and philosopher in the 19th century
    Reviewed by Christopher M. Hutton | HL 32:1-2 (2005) pp. 228–234
  • James E. G. Zetzel. 2018. Critics, Compilers, and Commentators: An introduction to Roman philology, 200 BCE–800 CE
    Reviewed by Tim Denecker | HL 45:3 (2018) pp. 385–390
  • Klaus ZimmermannBirte Kellermeier-Rehbein (Edited by). 2015. Colonialism and Missionary Linguistics
    Reviewed by Toon Van Hal | HL 43:1-2 (2016) pp. 245–250
  • D

  • Stephen G. Alter. 1999. Darwinism and the Linguistic Image: Language, race, and natural theology in the nineteenth century
    Reviewed by Caroline Rose | HL 27:1 (2000) pp. 137–141
  • Michel Arrivé, Valelia Muni TokeClaudine Normand. 2010. De la grammaire à l’inconscient. Dans les traces de Damourette et Pichon
    Compte rendu par Peter Lauwers | HL 38:1-2 (2011) pp. 227–234
  • Paulinus a S[ancto] Bartholomaeo. 1977. Dissertation on the Sanskrit Language
    Rezensiert von Rüdiger Schmitt | HL 5:1-2 (1978) pp. 166–173
  • Annette Bergter. 1988. Das Kapitel inna waẖahawātuhā aus dem "Manhağ as-sālik" des Grammatikers Abū Ḥayyān al-Ġarnātī (1256–1344)
    Reviewed by Kees Versteegh | HL 16:1-2 (1989) pp. 180–184
  • Guillaume Bonnet (Texte établi, traduit et commenté par). 2005. Dosithée, Grammaire latine
    Compte rendu par Vladimir Mazhuga | HL 34:1 (2007) pp. 87–97
  • G. L. Bursill-Hall, Sten EbbesenKonrad Koerner. 1990.
    Rezensiert von Kurt Braunmüller | HL 18:2-3 (1991) pp. 376–378
  • Manuela Callipo. 2011. Dionisio Trace e la tradizione grammaticale
    Reviewed by Andreas U. Schmidhauser | HL 40:3 (2013) pp. 489–492
  • John Considine. 2008. Dictionaries in Early Modern Europe: Lexicography and the making of heritage
    Reviewed by William Jervis Jones | HL 37:1-2 (2010) pp. 214–220
  • Piet DesmetPierre Swiggers. 1995. De la grammaire comparée à la sémantique: Textes de Michel Bréal publiés entre 1864 et 1898
    Reviewed by Brigitte Nerlich | HL 23:3 (1996) pp. 435–439
  • Klaas-Hinrich Ehlers. 2010. Der Wille zur Relevanz. Die Sprachforschung und ihre Förderung durch die DFG 1920–1970
    Rezensiert von Andreas Gardt | HL 39:1 (2012) pp. 179–183
  • Konrad EhlichKatharina Meng (Ed. by). 2004. Die Aktualität des Verdrängten: Studien zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft im 20. Jahrhundert
    Reviewed by Bernard Mees | HL 33:1-2 (2006) pp. 230–235
  • Anne-Françoise Ehrhard. 1998. Die Grammatik von Johann Christian Heyse: Kontinuität und Wandel im Verhältnis von Allgemeiner Grammatik und Schulgrammatik (1814–1914)
    Rezensiert von Kjell-Åke Forsgren | HL 27:1 (2000) pp. 147–156
  • Eveline Einhauser. 1989. Die Junggrammatiker: Ein Problem für die Sprachwissenschaftsgeschichtsschreibungs
    Reviewed by N. E. Collinge | HL 18:2-3 (1991) pp. 378–383
  • Remo Gmür. 1986. Das Schicksal von F. de Saussures “Mémoire”. Eine Rezeptionsgeschichte
    Reviewed by Henry M. Hoenigswald | HL 16:1-2 (1989) pp. 192–194
  • Giorgio Graffi. 2010. Due secoli di pensiero linguistico: Dai primi dell’Ottocento a oggi
    Reviewed by Maria Patrizia Bologna | HL 38:3 (2011) pp. 428–431
  • Frank Häusler. 1976. Das Problem Phonetik und Phonologie bei Baudouin de Courtenay und in seiner Nachfolge
    Reviewed by Jacek Fisiak | HL 5:3 (1978) pp. 318–321
  • Gerda Haßler. 1991.
    Rezensiert von Donatella Di Cesare | HL 21:1-2 (1994) pp. 193–198
  • Ulrike Haß-Zumkehr. Daniel Sanders: Aufgeklärte Germanistik im 19. Jahrhunderî
    Rezensiert von Jürgen Storost | HL 24:3 (1997) pp. 395–399
  • Céline Hervet. 2011. De l’imagination à l’entendement: La puissance du langage chez Spinoza
    Reviewed by Anthony J. Klijnsmit | HL 40:3 (2013) pp. 499–506
  • Karlheinz Hülser. 1987. Die Fragmente zur Dialektik der Stoiker
    Reviewed by Christopher K. Callanan | HL 16:3 (1989) pp. 393–402
  • Bernard Imhasly. 1974. Der Begriff der sprachlichen Kreativität in der neueren Linguistik
    Reviewed by Uhlan V. Slagle | HL 2:2 (1975) pp. 249–252
  • Ludger Kaczmarek (Ed. by). 1994. Destructiones modorum significandi
    Reviewed by G. L. Bursill-Hall | HL 23:1-2 (1996) pp. 187–193
  • Bernd Marizzi, Maria Teresa CortezMaría Teresa Fuentes Morán. 2018. Deutschlernen in Spanien und Portugal: Eine teilkommentierte Bibliographie von 1502 bis 1975
    Rezensiert von Rolf Kemmler | HL 46:3 (2019) pp. 159–173
  • Uwe Meves. 2011. Deutsche Philologie an den preußischen Universitäten im 19. Jahrhundert: Dokumente zum Institutionalisierungsprozess
    Rezensiert von Céline Trautmann-Waller | HL 40:3 (2013) pp. 520–523
  • Irene Monreal-Wickert. 1977. Die Sprachforschung der Aufklärung im Spiegel der grossen französischen Enzyklopädie
    Rezensiert von Barbara Kaltz | HL 5:1-2 (1978) pp. 156–160
  • Gijsbert Rutten. 2006. De Archimedische punten van de taalbeschouwing: David van Hoogstraten (1658–1724) en de vroegmoderne taalcultuur
    Reviewed by Igor van de Bilt | HL 35:3 (2008) pp. 432–438
  • August Schleicher. 1983. Die Sprachen Europas in systematischer Übersicht: Linguistische UntersuchungenJ. Peter Maher (With an introduction by). 1983. Linguistics and Evolutionary Theory: Three essays by August Schleicher, Ernst Haeckel, and Wilhelm Bleek
    Reviewed by Henry M. Hoenigswald | HL 11:3 (1984) pp. 479–483
  • Anke Schmidt-Wächter. 2004. Die Reflexion kommunikativer Welt in Rede- und Stillehrbüchern zwischen Christian Weise und Johann Christoph Adelung: Erarbeitung einer Texttypologie und Ansätze zu einer Beschreibung der in Rede- und Stillehrbüchern erfaßten kommunikativen Wirklichkeit unter besonderer Beachtung der Kategorie des Stils
    Rezensiert von Andreas Gardt | HL 33:3 (2006) pp. 431–435
  • Jean-Pierre Schobinger (Herausgegeben von). 1993. Die Philosophie des 17. JahrhundertsFrankreich und die Niederlande
    Reviewed by Jan NoordegraafGerrit Jongeneelen | HL 22:1-2 (1995) pp. 242–245
  • Daniel J(ennings) Taylor. 1975 [c.1974]. Declinatio: A Study of the Linguistic Theory of Marcus Terentius Varro
    Reviewed by Fred W. Householder | HL 3:2 (1976) pp. 252–260
  • Alice Tomus. 2004. Der neue deutsche Sprachbegriff: Zur Wiederbelebung der Sprachphilosophie in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts
    Rezensiert von Klaas-Hinrich Ehlers | HL 34:1 (2007) pp. 136–142
  • Jaana Vaahtera. 1998. Derivation: Greek and Roman Views on Word Formation
    Reviewed by Daniel J. Taylor | HL 26:1-2 (1999) pp. 219–224
  • Wolfgang Wildgen. 2010. Die Sprachwissenschaft des 20. Jahrhunderts: Versuch einer Bilanz
    Compte rendu par Stijn Verleyen | HL 38:1-2 (2011) pp. 205–211
  • E

  • Anne Aarssen, Ekaterina Bobyleva, René Genis, Sijmen TolEline van der Veken. 2016. Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 2015 and supplement for previous years
    Reviewed by Pierre Swiggers | HL 45:3 (2018) pp. 403–414
  • Mark Amsler. 1989. Etymology and Grammatical Discourse in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
    Reviewed by Even Hovdhaugen | HL 17:3 (1990) pp. 383–388
  • Christina Behme. 2014. Evaluating Cartesian Linguistics: From historical antecedents to computational modeling
    Reviewed by James McElvenny | HL 42:1 (2015) pp. 169–172
  • Michel Bréal. 2005. Essai de sémantiqueMichel Bréal. 2005 Mélanges de mythologie et de linguistique
    Compte rendu par Annette Schmehl | HL 34:2-3 (2007) pp. 372–386
  • [Etienne Bonnot de] Condillac. 1977. Essai über den Ursprung der menschlichen Erkenntnisse
    Reviewed by Rudiger Schreyer | HL 5:3 (1978) pp. 328–332
  • Ferdinand de Saussure. 2002. Écrits de linguistique générale
    Reviewed by Carol Sanders | HL 30:1-2 (2003) pp. 222–225
  • A. J. van Essen. 1983. E. Kruisinga: A Chapter in the History of Linguistics in the Netherlands
    Reviewed by Bertil Sundby | HL 12:3 (1985) pp. 461–469
  • Werner Hüllen (Paperback ed.). 2006. English Dictionaries 800–1700: The topical tradition
    Reviewed by Michael Klotz | HL 34:1 (2007) pp. 143–145
  • W. John Hutchins (Edited by). Early Years in Machine Translation: Memoirs and biographies of pioneers
    Reviewed by Winfield Scott Bennett | HL 28:3 (2001) pp. 448–450
  • Charles Jones. 2006. English Pronunciation in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
    Reviewed by Joan C. Beal | HL 34:2-3 (2007) pp. 403–409
  • Konrad Koerner (Edited with an introduction). 1984. Edward Sapir: Appraisals of his life and work
    Reviewed by John B. Carroll | HL 13:1 (1986) pp. 103–106
  • Yakov Malkiel. 1993. Etymology
    Reviewed by Roger D. Woodard | HL 22:3 (1995) pp. 409–414
  • Jonathan Owens. 1990. Early Arabic Grammatical Theory: Heterogeneity and Standardization
    Reviewed by Karin C. Ryding | HL 19:2-3 (1992) pp. 393–399
  • August Friedrich Pott.. 1974. Einleitung in die Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft [1884–90], with Zur Lit[t]eratur der Sprachenkunde Europas [1887]
    Reviewed by Joan Leopold | HL 2:2 (1975) pp. 263–269
  • Christian Timm. 2010. Europäischer Strukturalismus in der spanischen Grammatikographie
    Reseña de Miguel Ángel Esparza Torres | HL 38:3 (2011) pp. 415–422
  • F

  • René Amacker (Éd. par). 2011. Ferdinand de Saussure. Science du langage: De la double essence du langage et autres documents du ms. BGE Arch. de Saussure 372
    Compte rendu par Maria Pia Marchese | HL 40:1-2 (2013) pp. 283–286
  • Walter Belardi. 1985. Filosofia,grammatic a e retorica nel pensiero antico
    Reviewed by Ladislav Zgusta | HL 15:3 (1988) pp. 401–405
  • Winfried BusseFrançoise Dougnac. 1992. François-Urbain Domergue: Le grammairien patriote (1745–1810)
    Compte rendu par Danielle Trudeau | HL 20:2-3 (1993) pp. 473–476
  • Jean-Louis ChissChristian Puech. 1987. Fondations de la linguistique: Études d’histoire et d’épistémologie
    Reviewed by John E. Joseph | HL 16:1-2 (1989) pp. 184–191
  • Frederic Dolezal. 1985. Forgotten but Important Lexicographers: John Wilkins and William Lloyd
    Reviewed by Joseph L. Subbiondo | HL 13:1 (1986) pp. 92–98
  • First Grammatical Treatise: The earliest Germanic phonology. By Einar Haugen
    Reviewed by Line Henriksen | HL 2:1 (1975) p. 95
  • Karl Gerstner, Verena M. Schindler, Stefanie Wettstein, Isabel Haupt, Lino Sibillano, Werner SpillmannWerner Spillmann (2nd ed.). 2009. 2010. Farb-Systeme 1611–2007: Farb-Dokumente in der Sammlung Werner Spillmann
    Reviewed by William Jervis Jones | HL 38:1-2 (2011) pp. 235–240
  • Felicity HendersonWilliam Poole (Edited by). 2011. Francis Lodwick, On Language, Theology, and Utopia
    Reviewed by Nicholas McDowell | HL 39:1 (2012) pp. 139–142
  • Even Hovdhaugen. Foundations of Western Linguistics: From the beginning to the end of the first millenium A.D.
    Reviewed by R. H. Robins | HL 10:3 (1983) pp. 348–350
  • A. P. R. HowattRichard C. Smith (General Introduction by). 2000. Foundations of Foreign Language Teaching: Nineteenth-century innovators
    Reviewed by Michael K. C. MacMahon | HL 29:3 (2002) pp. 437–441
  • Ludwig Jäger. 2010. Ferdinand de Saussure zur Einführung
    Rezensiert von Peter Wunderli | HL 39:1 (2012) pp. 159–167
  • Douglas A. Kibbee. 1991. For to Speke Frenche Trewely. The French Language in England, 1000–1600: its status, description and instruction
    Reviewed by Michel H. W. Liddle | HL 19:1 (1992) pp. 162–168
  • E. F. K. Koerner (Ed. by). First Person Singular III: Autobiographies by North American scholars in the language sciences
    Reviewed by William Cowan | HL 26:3 (1999) pp. 436–440
  • Konrad Koerner (Ed. by). 1991. First Person Singular II: Autobiographies by North American scholars in the language sciences
    Reviewed by William G. Moulton | HL 18:1 (1991) pp. 211–220
  • Stephen K(enneth) Land. 1974. From Signs to Propositions: The concept of form in eighteenth-century semantic theory
    Reviewed by Ryan D. Tweney | HL 3:3 (1976) pp. 360–365
  • James McElvenny. 2019. Form and formalism in linguistics.
    Reviewed by Christopher Hutton | HL 46:3 (2019) pp. 192–197
  • Brian MerrileesWilliam Edwards. 1994. Firmini Verris Dictionarius: Dictionnaire latin-français
    Reseña de Irène Rosier-Catach | HL 22:3 (1995) pp. 415–419
  • Haruko Momma. 2012. From Philology to English Studies: Language and culture in the nineteenth century
    Reviewed by Lynda Mugglestone | HL 41:2-3 (2014) pp. 380–386
  • Jan NoordegraafFrank Vonk (Ed. by). 1993. Five Hundred Years of Foreign Language Teaching in the Netherlands 1450–1950
    Reviewed by Jean Caravolas | HL 21:3 (1994) pp. 429–432
  • Rosane RocherLudo Rocher. 2013. Founders of Western Indology: August Wilhelm von Schlegel and Henry Thomas Colebrooke in Correspondence 1820–1837
    Reviewed by Leonid Kulikov | HL 41:2-3 (2014) pp. 375–379
  • Felix Córdoba Rodríguez, Ernesto González SeoaneMaría Dolores Sánchez Palomino (Edited by). 2014. Lexicography of the Romance Languages: Historical perspectives [Lexicografía de las lenguas románicas Perspectiva histórica. Volumen I]
    Reviewed by Steven N. Dworkin | HL 42:2-3 (2015) pp. 434–440
  • N[atal’ja] A[leksandrovna] Sljusareva. 1990.
    Compte rendu par Jivco Boyadjiev | HL 18:2-3 (1991) pp. 402–405
  • Margaret Thomas. 2011. Fifty Key Thinkers on Language and Linguistics
    Reviewed by Mark Amsler | HL 40:1-2 (2013) pp. 294–297
  • G

  • D(irk) M(iente) BakkerG(erardus) R(utgerus) W(ilhelmus) Dibbets (Edited by). 1977. Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse taalkunde
    Reviewed by Wiliam Z. Shetter | HL 5:3 (1978) pp. 307–313
  • Johann Biedermann. 1981. Grammatiktheorie und grammatische Deskription in Russland in der 2. Hälfte des 18. und zu Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts
    Reviewed by Tom M. S. Priestly | HL 10:1-2 (1983) pp. 111–119
  • Maria Leonor Carvalhão Buescu. 1978. Gramáticos portugueses do século XVI
    Rezensiert von Rolf Nagel | HL 6:3 (1979) pp. 375–376
  • Eugenio CoseriuReinhard Meisterfeld. 2003. Geschichte der romanischen Sprachwissenschaft. Band 1: Von den Anfängen bis 1492
    Rezensiert von Jörn Albrecht | HL 32:3 (2005) pp. 366–372
  • Eugenio Coseriu. 2015. Geschichte der Sprachphilosophie Vol. I: Von Heraklit bis RousseauJörn Albrecht (ed). 2015. Geschichte der Sprachphilosophie Vol. II: Von Herder bis Humboldt
    Reviewed by Michael N. Forster | HL 44:1 (2017) pp. 164–170
  • Wolf DietrichHaralambos Symeonidis (Edited by). 2008. Geschichte und Aktualität der deutschsprachigen Guaraní-Philologie: Akten der Guaraní-Tagung in Kiel und Berlin 25.–27. Mai 2000
    Reviewed by Willem F. H. Adelaar | HL 38:1-2 (2011) pp. 190–196
  • Dorothy Harley Eber. 1982. Genius at Work: Images of Alexander Graham Bell
    Reviewed by M. K. C. MacMahon | HL 10:1-2 (1983) pp. 124–125
  • Robert Blair Edlow. 1977. Galen on Language and Ambiguity
    Recensione di Furio Murru | HL 6:1 (1979) pp. 103–105
  • Lutz EdzardJanet Watson (Edited by). 2006. Grammar as a Window onto Arabic Humanism: A collection of articles in honour of Michael G. Carter
    Reviewed by Karin C. Ryding | HL 35:1-2 (2008) pp. 192–197
  • Vicente Calvo Fernández. 2000. Grammatica Proverbiandi: Estudio de la Gramática Latina en la Baja Edad Media Española
    Reseña de Miguel Ángel Esparza Torres | HL 28:3 (2001) pp. 418–423
  • Andreas Gardt. 1999. Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft in Deutschland: Vom Mittelalter bis ins 20. Jahrhundert
    Reviewed by Brigitte Nerlich | HL 27:1 (2000) pp. 155–161
  • Conrad Gessner. 2009. Mithridate / Mithridates (1555)
    Compte rendu par Danielle Trudeau | HL 37:3 (2010) pp. 399–406
  • Rachael Gilmour. 2006. Grammars of Colonialism: Representing Languages in Colonial South Africa
    Reviewed by Paul T. Roberge | HL 34:2-3 (2007) pp. 363–371
  • János Gulya. 1978. Gyarmathi Sámuel
    Reviewed by Victor E. Hanzeli | HL 7:3 (1980) pp. 385–391
  • Sámuel Gyarmathi. 1983. Grammatical Proof of the Affinity of the Hungarian Language with Languages of Fennic Origin.
    Reviewed by Gyula Déscy | HL 11:3 (1984) pp. 474–479
  • Ulrike Haß. 2012. Grosse Lexika und Wörterbücher Europas: Europäische Enzyklopädien und Wörterbücher in historischen Porträts
    Reviewed by John Considine | HL 39:2-3 (2012) pp. 413–418
  • Oliver JungenHorst Lohnstein. 2007. Geschichte der Grammatiktheorie: Von Dionysios Thrax bis Noam Chomsky
    Reviewed by Andreas U. Schmidhauser | HL 37:1-2 (2010) pp. 200–206
  • Rasmus Kristian Rask. 2001. Gramática española según un nuevo plan (1824)
    Reseña de María Luisa Calero Vaquera | HL 29:1-2 (2002) pp. 235–239
  • Heinrich KronenHorst Althaus (Herausgegeben von). 1984–85. Gesammelte Werke von Karl Wilhelm Eduard Mager
    Rezensiert von Herbert E. Brekle | HL 14:3 (1987) pp. 386–389
  • Anneli Luhtala. 2005. Grammar and Philosophy in Late Antiquity: A study of Priscian’s sources
    Rezensiert von Wolfram Ax | HL 32:3 (2005) pp. 358–365
  • P[eter] H[ugoe] Matthews. 1993. Grammatical Theory in the United States from Bloomfield to Chomsky
    Reviewed by Frederick J. Newmeyer | HL 23:1-2 (1996) pp. 200–210
  • Nicola McLelland. 2015. German Through English Eyes: A history of language teaching and learning in Britain, 1500–2000
    Reviewed by William Jervis Jones | HL 43:1-2 (2016) pp. 223–228
  • George J. Metcalf. 2013. On Language Diversity and Relationship from Bibliander to Adelung
    Reviewed by Peter T. Daniels | HL 42:2-3 (2015) pp. 423–427
  • Stephen O. Murray. 1983. Group Formation in Social Science
    Reviewed by M. L. Dillinger | HL 12:1-2 (1985) pp. 209–213
  • Frederick J. Newmeyer. 1996. Generative Linguistics: A historical perspective
    Reviewed by Mike Dillinger | HL 24:3 (1997) pp. 412–416
  • G. A(rthur) Padley. 1976. Grammatical Theory in Western Europe 1500–1700: The Latin Tradition
    Compte rendu par André Joly | HL 4:3 (1977) pp. 392–401
  • G. A[rthur] Padley. 1985. Grammatical Theory in Western Europe, 1500–1700: Trends in Vernacular Grammar I
    Reviewed by Manuel Breva-Claramonte | HL 14:3 (1987) pp. 389–394
  • Giulio Panconcelli-Calzia. 1994. Geschichtszahlen der Phonetik; Quellenatlas der Phonetik
    Reviewed by J. Alan Kemp | HL 21:3 (1994) pp. 433–438
  • Giuseppe Pitré. 1979. Grammatica siciliana
    Recensione di Salvatore Claudio Sgroi | HL 7:3 (1980) pp. 394–396
  • Irène Rosier-Catach (Édité par). 1998. Gosvin de Marbais, Tractatus de constructione
    Compte rendu par L. G. Kelly | HL 29:1-2 (2002) pp. 240–244
  • Fuat Sezgin. 1982, 1984. Geschichte des arabischen SchrifttumsLexikographie bis ca. 430 H.Grammatik bis ca. 430 H.
    Reviewed by Kees Versteegh | HL 12:3 (1985) pp. 452–461
  • Robert Stockhammer. 2014. Grammatik: Wissen und Macht in der Geschichte einer sprachlichen Institution
    Reviewed by Raf Van Rooy | HL 42:1 (2015) pp. 195–199
  • Dieudonné Thiébault. 1977. Grammaire philosophique, ou la métaphysique, la logique, et la grammaire, réunies en un seul corps de doctrine
    Compte rendu par André Joly | HL 5:1-2 (1978) pp. 149–156
  • Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade (Edited). 2008. Grammars, Grammarians and Grammar-Writing in Eighteenth-Century England
    Reviewed by Susan M. Fitzmaurice | HL 37:1-2 (2010) pp. 221–225
  • C(ornelis) H(enricus) M(aria) Versteegh. 1977. Greek Elements in Arabic Linguistic Thinking
    Reviewed by Alan S. Kaye | HL 8:1 (1981) pp. 126–130
  • Herausgegeben von Peter Schmitter (posthum herausgegeben, bearbeitet und mit einem Register versehen von Lefteris Roussos). 2007. Geschichte der Sprachtheorie: Sprachtheorien der Neuzeit III/2. Sprachbeschreibung und Sprachunterricht
    Rezensiert von Friederike Spitzl-Dupic | HL 37:1-2 (2010) pp. 230–237
  • H

  • Sylvain Auroux. 2003. History of Linguistics 1999. Selected Papers from the 8th International Conference on the History of the Linguistic Sciences, 14–19 September 1999, Fontenay-St Cloud
    Reviewed by L. G. Kelly | HL 31:1 (2004) pp. 137–144
  • Jean-Alexis Borrelly. 1994. Histoire sommaire et philosophique de la langue françoise (1784); Considérations sur le dictionnaire de la langue allemande, conçu autrefois par Leibnitz (1792)
    Reviewed by Barbara Kaltz | HL 23:1-2 (1996) pp. 173–177
  • Petra Braselmann. 1991. Humanistische Grammatik und Volkssprache: Zur ‘Gramática de la lengua castellana’ von Antonio de Nebrija
    Reviewed by Francis P. Dinneen | HL 19:1 (1992) pp. 145–152
  • Jean Caravolas. 2000. Histoire de la didactique des langues au siècle des Lumières: Précis et anthologie thématique
    Compte rendu par Brigitte Lépinette | HL 28:3 (2001) pp. 410–413
  • Simão Cardosa (Compilação e organização de). 1994. Historiografia Gramatical (1500–1920): Lingua Portuguesa – Autores Portugueses
    Rezensiert von Rolf Nagel | HL 22:3 (1995) pp. 423–424
  • Julie ColemanAnne McDermott (Edited by). 2004. Historical Dictionaries and Historical Dictionary Research. Papers from the International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology, at the University of Leicester, 2002
    Reviewed by R. R. K. Hartmann | HL 32:1-2 (2005) pp. 255–259
  • Josefa Dorta, Cristobal CorralesDolores Corbella (Edited by). 2007. Historiografía de la lingüística en el ámbito hispánico: Fundamentos epistemológicos y metodológicos
    Reviewed by Steven N. Dworkin | HL 35:3 (2008) pp. 417–424
  • Patrick Flack (Choisis, traduits et présentés par). 2013. Hendrik Pos, Écrits sur le langage
    Reviewed by Frank Vonk | HL 42:1 (2015) pp. 183–190
  • Vivien Law (Edited by). 1993. History of Linguistic Thought in the Early Middle Ages
    Reviewed by L. G. Kelly | HL 21:3 (1994) pp. 423–428
  • Giulio Lepschy (Ed. by). 1994. History of linguisticsThe Eastern traditions of linguistics
    Reviewed by Karen Steffen Chung | HL 22:3 (1995) pp. 401–409
  • Bertil Malmberg. 1991. Histoire de la linguistique de Sumer à Saussure
    Reviewed by George Wolf | HL 19:1 (1992) pp. 169–176
  • Peter Schmitter. 2003. Historiographie und Narration: Metahistoriographische Aspekte der Wissenschaftsgeschichtsschreibung der Linguistik
    Rezensiert von Klaas-Hinrich Ehlers | HL 32:3 (2005) pp. 394–399
  • Rebeca Barriga VillanuevaPedro Martín Butragueño (Directores). 2010. Historia sociolingüística de México
    Reseña de Carlos Hernández Sacristán | HL 40:1-2 (2013) pp. 273–277
  • I

  • Muhammad Hasan Bakalla. 1982 (1402 A.H.). Ibn Jinni, an Early Arab Muslim Phonetician: An Interpretative Study of his Life and Contribution to Linguistics
    Reviewed by Michael G. Carter | HL 10:1-2 (1983) pp. 103–111
  • Tuska Benes. 2008. In Babel’s Shadow: Language, philology and the nation in 19th-century Germany
    Reviewed by Maike Oergel | HL 37:1-2 (2010) pp. 267–269
  • Maria Patrizia Bologna. 2016. Itinerari ottocenteschi: Tra linguistica storico-comparativa e linguistica generale
    Reviewed by Stefano Gensini | HL 44:1 (2017) pp. 177–183
  • Simon Bouquet. 1997. Introduction à la lecture de Saussure
    Compte rendu par Daniel A. Labonia | HL 25:3 (1998) pp. 387–395
  • Hans Helmut Christmann. 1974. Idealistische Philologie und moderne Sprachwissenschaft
    Recensione di Carlo de Simone | HL 2:3 (1975) pp. 385–389
  • Berthold Delbrück. 1974. Introduction to the Study of Language: A critical survey of the history and methods of comparative philology of Indo-European languages
    Compte rendu par Christian Peeters | HL 2:2 (1975) pp. 242–244
  • Tim Denecker. 2017. Ideas on Language in Early Latin Christianity: From Tertullian to Isidore of Seville
    Reviewed by Javier Uría | HL 45:3 (2018) pp. 379–384
  • A[gnija] V. Desnickaja (Ed. by). 1991. Istorija lingvističeskix učenij: Pozdnee srednevekovje [History of the linguistic sciences: The late Middle Ages]
    Reviewed by Jaroslav B. Rudnyćkyj | HL 20:2-3 (1993) pp. 483–486
  • Klaus D. Dutz (Ed. by). 2000. Interpretation und Re-Interpretation: Aus Anlass des 100. Geburtstages von Johann Leo Weisgerber (1899–1985)
    Reviewed by Christopher M. Hutton | HL 28:3 (2001) pp. 424–428
  • Geoffrey J. HuckJohn A. Goldsmith. 1996. Ideology and Linguistic Theory: Noam Chomsky and the deep structure debates
    Reviewed by Frits Stuurman | HL 24:3 (1997) pp. 405–411
  • William Jervis Jones. 1999. Images of Language: Six essays on German attitudes to European languages from 1500 to 1800
    Rezensiert von Barbara Kaltz | HL 27:1 (2000) pp. 182–186
  • N(ikolaij) A(ndreevič) Kondrašov. 1979. Istoria lingvističeskix u čenij [A History of Linguistic Studies]
    Reviewed by David.L. Olmsted | HL 9:1-2 (1982) pp. 145–152
  • Christoph König (Herausgegeben und eingeleitet von). 2003. Internationales Germanistenlexikon 1800–1950
    Rezensiert von Wilfried Kürschner | HL 32:3 (2005) pp. 377–381
  • Iustus Lipsius. 2007. De recta pronuntiatione latinae linguae dialogusDialogue sur la prononciation correcte du Latin
    Reviewed by John Considine | HL 36:1 (2009) pp. 117–122
  • Frederick M. Rener. 1989.
    Reviewed by L. G. Kelly | HL 18:2-3 (1991) pp. 394–398
  • Maria Di Salvo. 1975. Il pensiero linguistico d J. Baudouin de Courtenay,
    Reviewed by D. L. OlmstedL. A. Timm | HL 4:2 (1977) pp. 259–262
  • Francesca Schironi. 2004. I frammenti di Aristarco di Samotracia negli etimologici bizantini: Etymologicum Genuinum, Magnum, Symeonis, Megale Grammatike, Zonarae Lexicon. Introduzione, edizione critica e commento
    Reviewed by Alfons Wouters | HL 33:3 (2006) pp. 404–409
  • James H(enry) Stam. 1976. Inquiries into the Origin of Language: The fate of a question
    Reviewed by Gordon W. Hewes | HL 5:1-2 (1978) pp. 174–189
  • M(irko) Tavoni (A cura di). 1975. Il discorso linguistico di Bartolomeo Benvoglienti
    Recensione di Hans-J. Niederehe | HL 4:1 (1977) pp. 106–110
  • J

  • Russell L. FriedmanSten Ebbesen (Edited by). 2004. John Buridan and Beyond: Topics in the Language Sciences, 1300–1700
    Reviewed by Rhodri Lewis | HL 32:1-2 (2005) pp. 197–202
  • Françoise GadetPatrick Sériot. 1997. Jakobson entre l’Est et l’Ouest, 1915–1939: Un épisode de l’histoire de la culture européenne
    Reviewed by John E. Joseph | HL 25:1-2 (1998) pp. 227–232
  • Jean Lallot. 2012. Études sur la grammaire alexandrine
    Reviewed by Eleanor Dickey | HL 41:1 (2014) pp. 153–157
  • Jacqueline Léon. 2015. Histoire de l’automatisation des sciences du langage
    Reviewed by Bernard Ycart | HL 42:2-3 (2015) pp. 457–460
  • Thomas Lindner. 2016. 2018. 200 Jahre IndogermanistikMonographisch-historiographischer TeilBibliographischer Teil
    Reviewed by Leonid Kulikov | HL 45:3 (2018) pp. 397–402
  • Nicola McLelland. 2011. J. G. Schottelius’s Ausführliche Arbeit von der Teutschen HaubtSprache (1663) and its place in early modern European vernacular language study
    Rezensiert von Barbara Kaltz | HL 39:2-3 (2012) pp. 393–397
  • Joachim Mugdan. 1984. Jan Baudouin de Courtenay (1845–1929): Leben und Werk
    Rezensiert von Helmut Jachnow | HL 12:1-2 (1985) pp. 205–208
  • Gabriel Nuchelmans. 1983. Judgment and Proposition: From Descartes to Kant
    Reviewed by Charlene McDermott | HL 12:1-2 (1985) pp. 213–216
  • William Poole (Edited by). 2017. John Wilkins (1614–1672): New Essays
    Reviewed by Joseph L. Subbiondo | HL 46:1-2 (2019) pp. 191–205
  • Susan Rennie. 2012. Jamieson’s Dictionary of Scots: The story of the first historical dictionary of the Scots language
    Reviewed by John Considine | HL 40:3 (2013) pp. 507–511
  • Hidesaburo Saito, Kazuo Dohi, Yuri Komuro, Junko Sugimoto, Takahiro Kokawa, Rumi Takahashi, Tetsuo OsadaSatoko Isozaki. 2004. Jukugo-Hon’i-Eiwa-Chu-Jiten (Saito’s Idiomological English- Japanese Dictionary, 1915)Lexicon
    Reviewed by Hideki Watanabe | HL 33:1-2 (2006) pp. 222–229
  • Gabriele Stein. 1997. John Palsgrave as Renaissance Linguist: A pioneer in vernacular language description
    Reviewed by Patrick M. Reidenbaugh | HL 25:3 (1998) pp. 425–431
  • Margrit Stohbach. 1984. Johann Christoph Adelung: Ein Beitrag zu seinem germanistischen Schaffen mit einer Bibliographie seines Gesamtwerkes
    Reviewed by Kurt R. Jankowsky | HL 13:1 (1986) pp. 116–123
  • Joseph L. Subbiondo (Edited by). 1992. John Wilkins and 17th-Century British Linguistics
    Reviewed by D. H. Breyfogle | HL 20:2-3 (1993) pp. 493–495
  • Gerrold van der Stroom. 2012. Jac. van Ginneken onder vuur: Over eigentijdse en naoorlogse kritiek opde taalkundige J. J. A. van Ginneken S. J. (1877–1945)
    Rezensiert von Toon Van Hal | HL 40:3 (2013) pp. 524–529
  • Johanna Wolf. 2012. Kontinuität und Wandel der Philologien: Textarchäologische Studien zur Entstehung der Romanischen Philologie im 19. Jahrhundert
    Rezensiert von Andreas Gardt | HL 42:2-3 (2015) pp. 453–456
  • K

  • Keith Allan (Edited By). 2013. The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics
    Reviewed by John E. Joseph | HL 41:1 (2014) pp. 176–180
  • Tasso Borbé. 1974. Kritik der marxistischen Sprachtheorie N. Ja. Marr’s
    Reviewed by Lawrence L. Thomas | HL 4:1 (1977) pp. 92–97
  • Thomas Stolz, Christina VossmannBarbara Dewein (Herausgegeben von). 2011. Kolonialzeitliche Sprachforschung
    Rezensiert von Anne Storch | HL 39:1 (2012) pp. 153–158
  • L

  • Beatrice Bagola (Hrg. von). 2000. La lingüística española en la época de los descubrimientos: Actas del Coloquio en honor del profesor Hans-Josef Niederehe, Tréveris 16 a 17 de junio de 1997
    Rezensiert von Hans-Dieter Paufler | HL 28:3 (2001) pp. 401–409
  • Maria Grazia Bajoni. 2008. Les Grammariens Lascifs: La grammaire à la fin de l’Empire romain
    Reviewed by Teresa Morgan | HL 37:1-2 (2010) pp. 251–253
  • Marc BaratinFrançoise Desbordes. 1981. L’analyse linguistique dans l’antiquité classique. I: Les théories
    Reviewed by Daniel J. Taylor | HL 10:3 (1983) pp. 309–320
  • Giovanna Brogi Bercoff, Giuseppe Dell’Agata, Pietro MarchesaniRiccardo Picchio (A cura di). 1994. La Slavistica in Italia: Cinquanti anni di studi (1940–1990)
    Reviewed by Robert A. Orr | HL 23:1-2 (1996) pp. 171–173
  • León E. Bieber (coordinador). 2001. Las relaciones germano-mexicanas: Desde el aporte de los hermanos Humboldt hasta el presente
    Rezensiert von Harald Schrage | HL 30:1-2 (2003) pp. 219–221
  • Mechtild Bierbach, Barbara von GemmingenYvonne Stork (Ed. por). 2007. La palabra atada: Contribuciones sobre la evolución de diccionarios y gramáticas del español
    Reseña de Klaus Zimmermann | HL 37:3 (2010) pp. 407–411
  • Valentina Bisconti. 2016. Le Sens en partage. Dictionnaires et théories du sens XIXe–XXe siècles
    Compte rendu par Marina De Palo | HL 46:3 (2019) pp. 174–181
  • Arthur L. Blumenthal. 1970. Language and Psychology: Historical aspects of psycholinguistic
    Reviewed by Wilbur A. Hass | HL 1:1 (1974) pp. 111–116
  • Paul Botley. 2004. Latin Translation in the Renaissance: The theory and practice of Leonardo Bruni, Giannozzo Manetti, and Desiderius Erasmus
    Rezensiert von Peter Kuhlmann | HL 32:1-2 (2005) pp. 189–196
  • Charles P. Bouton. 1973. Les grammariens françaises de Claude Mauger à l’usage des Anglais (XVIIe siécle)
    Compte rendu par Jean Stefanini | HL 1:1 (1974) pp. 116–123
  • Jean-Paul Bronckart, Ecaterina BuleaCristian Bota (Édité par). 2010. Le projet de Ferdinand de Saussure
    Compte rendu par Pierre-Yves Testenoire | HL 40:1-2 (2013) pp. 287–293
  • Keith BrownVivien Law (Edited by). 2002. Linguistics in Britain: Personal histories
    Reviewed by Matsuji Tajima | HL 30:3 (2003) pp. 443–447
  • Jean-Louis ChissChristian Puech. 1999. Le langage et ses disciplines, XIXe–XXe siècles
    Reviewed by Douglas A. Kibbee | HL 28:3 (2001) pp. 414–417
  • Beatriz Garza Cuarón. 1978. La Connotación: Problemas del significado
    Reviewed by Rodney Williamson | HL 6:2 (1979) pp. 247–253
  • Hannah Dawson. 2007. Locke, Language and Early-Modern Philosophy
    Reviewed by Nico Mouton | HL 35:3 (2008) pp. 446–455
  • Santiago García-Jalón de la Lama. 1998. La gramática hebrea en Europa en el siglo XVI. Guía de lectura de las obras impresas
    Rezensiert von Hans-Josef Niederehe | HL 27:1 (2000) pp. 142–144
  • Frederik van Eeden. 2005. Logische Grundlage der Verständigung: Redekunstige grondslag van verstandhouding
    Reviewed by Ad Foolen | HL 34:1 (2007) pp. 150–154
  • Eveline Einhauser (Ed. by). 1992. Lieber freund…: Briefe Hermann Osthoffs an Karl Brugmannn, 1875–1904
    Reviewed by Terence H. Wilbur | HL 21:3 (1994) pp. 415–419
  • Michael Elmentaler. 1996. Logisch-semantische Studien in der Grammatik des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts. Untersuchungen zur Kategorieniehre von Simon Heinrich Adolf Herling
    Rezensiert von Kjell-Åke Forsgren | HL 24:3 (1997) pp. 387–394
  • Claire ForelRené Amacker. 2008. La linguistique sociologique de Charles Bally: Étude des inédits
    Compte rendu par Pierre Larcher | HL 36:1 (2009) pp. 174–177
  • Lia Formigari. 1988. Language and Experience in 17th-century British Philosophy
    Reviewed by Talbot J. Taylor | HL 17:3 (1990) pp. 399–403
  • De Jacques François. 2017. Le siècle d’or de la linguistique en Allemagne: De Humboldt à Meyer-Lübke
    Compte rendu par Johanna Wolf | HL 45:1-2 (2018) pp. 235–240
  • Ana-Isabel Magallón García. 1996. La traditión gramatical de differentia y etymologia hasta Isidoro de Sevilla
    Reviewed by Michael T. Ward | HL 25:3 (1998) pp. 413–417
  • René Genis, Hella Olbertz, Simon TolEline van der Veken (Edited by). 2012. Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 2011 and Supplement for Previous Years [Bibliographie Linguistique de l’année 2011 et complément des années précédentes]
    Reviewed by E. F. K. Koerner | HL 40:1-2 (2013) pp. 298–301
  • René Genis, Hella Olbertz, Sijmen TolEline van der Veken. 2013. Bibliographie Linguistique de l’année 2012 et complément des années précédentes [Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 2012 and supplement for previous years], René Genis, Hella Olbertz, Sijmen TolEline van der Veken. 2014 Bibliographie Linguistique de l’année 2013 et complément des années précédentes [Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 2013 and supplement for previous years]Ekaterina Bobyleva, René Genis, Sijmen TolEline van der Veken. 2015 Bibliographie Linguistique de l’année 2014 et complément des années précédentes [Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 2014 and supplement for previous years]
    Reviewed by Pierre Swiggers | HL 43:3 (2016) pp. 412–421
  • Paul Ghils. 2007. Les théories du langage au XXe siècle: De la biologie à la dialogique
    Reviewed by Pierre Larrivée | HL 37:3 (2010) pp. 439–440
  • Joseph Greenberg. 1974. Language Typology: A historical and analytic overview
    Rezensiert von Karl-Heinz Best | HL 3:2 (1976) pp. 235–247
  • Gustave Guillaume. 1985-86. Leçons de linguistique, Vol.6: Grammaire particulière du français et grammaire générale, and Vol.7: Esquisse d’une grammaire descriptive de la langue française
    Reviewed by John Hewson | HL 15:3 (1988) pp. 416–420
  • Robert A. Hall (Edited by). 1987. Leonard Bloomfield: Essays of His Life and Work
    Reviewed by Joseph F. Kess | HL 15:3 (1988) pp. 421–427
  • Roy HarrisTalbot J. Taylor. 1989. Landmarks in Linguistic Thought: The Western tradition from Socrates to Saussure
    Reviewed by Ladislav Zgusta | HL 17:3 (1990) pp. 403–405
  • Gerda HasslerCordula Neis (Edited by). 2009. Lexikon sprachtheoretischer Grundbegriffe des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts
    Reviewed by David Cram | HL 38:1-2 (2011) pp. 184–189
  • Jane Hodson. 2007. Language and Revolution in Burke, Wollstonecraft, Paine and Godwin
    Reviewed by Andreas Musolff | HL 35:3 (2008) pp. 461–464
  • Christopher M. Hutton. 1999. Linguistics and the Third Reich: Mother-tongue fascism, race, and the science of language
    Reviewed by Werner Hüllen | HL 27:1 (2000) pp. 162–175
  • Peter Ives. 2004. Language and Hegemony in Gramsci
    Reviewed by Niels Helsloot | HL 32:1-2 (2005) pp. 235–242
  • André JolyJean Stéfanini. 1977. La Grammaire générale: Des modistes aux idéologues
    Compte rendu par Alain Rey | HL 5:3 (1978) pp. 321–327
  • John E. Joseph. 2000. Limiting the Arbitrary: Linguistic naturalism and its opposites in Plato’s Cratylus and modern theories of language
    Reviewed by Nicola McLelland | HL 28:1-2 (2001) pp. 207–214
  • John E. Joseph, Nigel LoveTalbot J. Taylor. 2001. Landmarks in Linguistic Thought II: The Western Tradition in the Twentieth Century
    Reviewed by Mark Amsler | HL 29:3 (2002) pp. 442–447
  • Sarma Kļaviņa. 2008. Latviešu Valodas Pētnieki: No Klaušu Laikiem līdz Savai Valstij. (Darbu Izlase.) [The Researchers of the Latvian Language: From the times of Corvée to the establishment of an independent state. (Collection of works)]
    Reviewed by Giedrius Subačius | HL 37:1-2 (2010) pp. 258–262
  • Carita Klippi. 2010. La Vie du langage : La linguistique dynamique en France de 1864 à 1916
    Compte rendu par Jacques-Philippe Saint-Gerand | HL 38:3 (2011) pp. 396–407
  • Ferenc Kovács. 1971. Linguistic Structures and Linguistic Laws
    Reviewed by John Hewson | HL 1:3 (1974) pp. 411–418
  • Robin Tolmach Lakoff (Ed. by). 2004. Language and Woman’s PlaceText and Commentaries
    Reviewed by Marlis Hellinger | HL 33:1-2 (2006) pp. 244–250
  • Pierre Larcher. 2014. Linguistique arabe et pragmatique
    Reviewed by Michael Carter | HL 42:1 (2015) pp. 203–209
  • John Leavitt. 2011. Linguistic Relativities: Language diversity and modern thought
    Reviewed by Matthew J. Lauzon | HL 38:3 (2011) pp. 408–414
  • Rhodri Lewis. 2007. Language, Mind, and Nature: Artificial Languages in England from Bacon to Locke
    Reviewed by Joseph L. Subbiondo | HL 35:1-2 (2008) pp. 198–204
  • James McElvenny. 2018. Language and Meaning in the Age of Modernism: C. K. Ogden and his Contemporaries
    Reviewed by W. Terrence Gordon | HL 45:1-2 (2018) pp. 255–262
  • Elena Battaner Moro. 2014. Las ideas lingüísticas de John R. Firth
    Reviewed by John A. Goldsmith | HL 42:2-3 (2015) pp. 428–433
  • Bernd Naumann, Frans PlankGottfried Hofbauer (Edited by). 1992. Language and Earth: Elective affinities between the emerging sciences of linguistics and geology
    Reviewed by Henry M. Hoenigswald | HL 19:2-3 (1992) pp. 381–386
  • Frederick J. Newmeyer. 1980. Linguistic Theory in America: The first quarter century of transformational generative grammar
    Reviewed by Stephen O. Murray | HL 8:1 (1981) pp. 107–112
  • Gabriel Nuchelmans. 1980. Late Scholastic and Humanist Theories of the Proposition
    Reviewed by Charlene McDermott | HL 10:1-2 (1983) pp. 132–135
  • Hella OlbertzSijmen Tol (with the assistance of). 2010. Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 2010 and Supplement for Previous Years [Bibliographie Linguistique de l’année 2010 et complément des années précédentes]
    Reviewed by E. F. K. Koerner | HL 39:2-3 (2012) pp. 425–428
  • Hella OlbertzSijmen Tol. 2010. Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 2009 and Supplement for Previous Years [Bibliographie Linguistique de l’année 2009 et complément des années précédentes]
    Reviewed by E. F. K. Koerner | HL 38:3 (2011) pp. 436–439
  • René PellenFrancis Tollis. 2011. La Gramática castellana d’Antonio de Nebrija: Grammaire d’une langue, langue d’une grammaireUn système descriptif pour le castillanIndex lemmatisés
    Reviewed by Lola Pons Rodríguez | HL 39:1 (2012) pp. 123–128
  • Julia M[yrle] Penn. 1972. Linguistic Relativity versus Innate Ideas: The origins of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis in German thought
    Rezensiert von Maria-Elisabeth Conte | HL 2:1 (1975) pp. 102–110
  • Gilles Petrequin. 2009. Le Dictionnaire françois de P. Richelet (Genève, 1679/1680) : Étude de métalexicographie historique
    Compte rendu par Russon Wooldridge | HL 37:3 (2010) pp. 412–416
  • Franco Lo Piparo. 1979. Lingua intellettuali egemonia in Gramsci
    Reviewed by Paolo Ramat | HL 6:3 (1979) pp. 385–390
  • Olga Pombo. 1987. Leibniz and the Problem of a Universal Language
    Reviewed by Joseph L. Subbiondo | HL 17:3 (1990) pp. 406–411
  • Christian Puech (Ed. by). 2004. Linguistique et partages disciplinaires à la charnière des XIXe et XXe siècles: Victor Henry (1850–1907)
    Reviewed by Douglas A. Kibbee | HL 34:1 (2007) pp. 117–122
  • Pascale Rabault-Feuerhahn. 2008. L’Archive des origines: Sanskrit, philologie, anthropologie dans l’Allemagne du XIXe siècle
    Rezensiert von Céline Trautmann-Waller | HL 37:3 (2010) pp. 429–433
  • Valérie Raby. 2018. Les théories de l’énoncé dans la grammaire générale
    Compte rendu par Nathalie Fournier | HL 46:1-2 (2019) pp. 206–212
  • Ulrich RickenRobert E. Norton (Traduit de l’allemand par). 1994. Linguistics, Anthropology and Philosophy in the French Enlightenment: Language Theory and Ideology
    Compte rendu par Barbara Kaltz | HL 22:1-2 (1995) pp. 238–241
  • Thorsten Roelcke. 2014. Latein, Griechisch, Hebräisch: Studien und Dokumentationen zur deutschen Sprachreflexion in Barock und Aufklärung
    Reviewed by Josef Eskhult | HL 43:3 (2016) pp. 393–403
  • Vivian Salmon. 1996. Language and Society in Early Modern England: Selected essays 1981–1994
    Reviewed by Matthew J. Lauzon | HL 25:3 (1998) pp. 419–423
  • R[einier] Salverda. 1985. Leading Conceptions in Linguistic Theory
    Reviewed by Andrew W. Conrad | HL 13:1 (1986) pp. 106–110
  • Ramón Sarmiento. 2001. La norma ortográfica de la Real Academia Española (1741): Aportación al estudio del español moderno. Estudio introductorio, en volumen adjunto, a la edición facsimilar numerada de la Orthographía Española de la Real Academia [1741]
    Reseña de Pedro M. Hurtado Valero | HL 32:1-2 (2005) pp. 203–206
  • Paolo Silvestri. 2001. Le grammatiche italiane per ispanofoni (secoli XVI-XIX)
    Compte rendu par Brigitte Lépinette | HL 31:1 (2004) pp. 170–175
  • Estanislao Sofía. 2015. La “Collation Sechehaye” du Cours de linguistique générale de Ferdinand de Saussure
    Compte rendu par Anne-Marguerite Fryba-Reber | HL 45:1-2 (2018) pp. 249–254
  • Harro Stammerjohann (Ed.). 2009. Lexicon Grammaticorum: A bio-bibliographical companion to the history of linguistics
    Reviewed by E. F. K. Koerner | HL 38:1-2 (2011) pp. 212–220
  • Larissa G. Stepanova. 2005. Leggere la grammatica: Le postille inedite al trattato di Pietro Bembo “Prose della volgar lingua” (1525, lib. III)
    Recensione di Claudio Marazzini | HL 33:1-2 (2006) pp. 201–208
  • Nancy Struever (Edited by). 1995. Language and the History of Thought
    Reviewed by Matthew J. Lauzon | HL 23:3 (1996) pp. 445–450
  • Giedrius Subačius. 2011. The experts of Lithuanian in the service of the Russian empire: Dmitrij Kashirin, Zacharijus Liackis and Andrius Poidėnas [Lietuvių kalbos ekspertai Rusijos imperijos tarnyboje: Dmitrijus Kaširinas, Zacharijus Liackis, Andrius Poidėnas]
    Reviewed by William R. Schmalstieg | HL 39:1 (2012) pp. 148–152
  • Valelia Muni Toke (Par). 2013. La grammaire nationale selon Damourette et Pichon 1911–1939
    Compte rendu par Odile Halmøy | HL 42:1 (2015) pp. 191–194
  • Miguel Ángel Esparza Torres. 1995. Las ideas lingüísticas de Antonio de Nebrija
    Reviewed by Juan López-Rivera | HL 25:3 (1998) pp. 397–405
  • N. S. Troubetzkoy. 1996. L’Europe et l’humanité
    Compte rendu par Michel Viel | HL 25:1-2 (1998) pp. 221–226
  • Danielle Trudeau. 1992. Les Inventeurs du bon usage (1529–1647)
    Reviewed by Douglas A. Kibbee | HL 19:2-3 (1992) pp. 409–414
  • Ekaterina Velmezova. 2002. Les lois du sens: La sémantique marriste
    Reviewed by Craig Brandist | HL 35:1-2 (2008) pp. 208–212
  • Pieter A. Verburg. 1998. Language and Its Functions: A historico-critical study of views concerning the functions of language from the pre-humanistic philology of Orleans to the rationalistic philology of Bopp
    Reviewed by Paul T. Roberge | HL 26:1-2 (1999) pp. 225–231
  • Sigrid (Hedwig Helene, Gräfin) von der Schulen-burg. 1973. Leibniz als Sprachforsche
    Reviewed by Marcelo Dascal | HL 2:3 (1975) pp. 389–401
  • Frédérique Woerther (Ed.). 2009. Literary and Philosophical Rhetoric in the Greek, Roman, Syriac, and Arabic Worlds
    Reviewed by Thomas M. Conley | HL 37:1-2 (2010) pp. 247–250
  • Terence Russon Wooldridge. 1977. Les débuts de la lexicographie française: Estienne, Nicot et le ‘Thresor de la langue françoyse’ (1606)
    Compte rendu par Werner Bahner | HL 6:2 (1979) pp. 264–269
  • Otto Zwartjes. 2000. Las gramáticas misioneras de tradición hispánica (siglos XVI–XVII)
    Reviewed by Even Hovdhaugen | HL 28:3 (2001) pp. 451–453
  • M

  • Gabriel BergouniouxCharles de Lamberterie (Edited by). 2006. Meillet Aujourd’hui
    Reviewed by T. Craig Christy | HL 34:2-3 (2007) pp. 387–402
  • Manfred Bierwisch. 1971. Modern Linguistics: Its development, methods and problemsThomas Gardner. 1973. Hauptströmungen der modernen Linguistik: Chomsky und die generative Grammatik
    Reviewed by J. Peter Maher | HL 1:3 (1974) pp. 399–407
  • Michel Bréal, Hans W. Giessen, Heinz-Helmut LügerGünther Volz. 2007. Grenzüberschreitende Signaturen
    Compte rendu par Annette Schmehl-Postaï | HL 36:1 (2009) pp. 137–150
  • Martin Gimm. 2013. Georg von der Gabelentz zum Gedenken. Materialien zu Leben und Werk, Kennosuke EzawaAnnemete von Vogel (Herausgegeben von). 2013. Georg von der Gabelentz. Ein biographisches LesebuchKennosuke Ezawa, Franz HundsnurscherAnnemete von Vogel (Herausgegeben von). 2014 Beiträge zur Gabelentz-Forschung
    Rezensiert von Manfred Ringmacher | HL 43:1-2 (2016) pp. 238–244
  • Toon Van Hal. 2010. “Moedertalen en taalmoeders”: Het vroegmoderne taalvergelijkende onderzoek in de Lage Landen
    Reviewed by Kees Dekker | HL 39:1 (2012) pp. 134–138
  • Marlène Laruelle. 2005. Mythe aryen et rêve impérial dans la Russie du XIXe siècle
    Compte rendu par Roger Comtet | HL 33:3 (2006) pp. 436–440
  • Thomas R. Trautmann (Edited by). 2009. The Madras School of Orientalism: Producing knowledge in colonial South India
    Reviewed by R. E. Asher | HL 37:1-2 (2010) pp. 226–229
  • Michaelis de Marbasio. 1995. Summa de Modis Significandi
    Reviewed by Geoffrey L. Bursill-Hall | HL 25:3 (1998) pp. 407–412
  • André Martinet. 1993. Mémoires d’un tinguiste: Vivre les langues
    Reviewed by John E. Joseph | HL 21:1-2 (1994) pp. 212–221
  • P(eter) H(ugoe) Matthews. 1974. Morphology: An introduction to the theory of word structure
    Reviewed by Philip Baldi | HL 2:2 (1975) pp. 252–263
  • Markus MesslingOttmar Ette (Edited By). 2013. Rassismus und Determinismus in der Philologie
    Reviewed by Nils Langer | HL 41:1 (2014) pp. 164–167
  • Modern Linguistics: Its development, methods and problems. By Manfred Bierwisch
    Reviewed by J. Peter Maher | HL 1:3 (1974) pp. 399–407
  • Barbara H(all) Partee (Ed. by). 1976. Montague Grammar
    Reviewed by Christian Rohrer | HL 5:1-2 (1978) pp. 161–166
  • Paolo Pieroni. 2004. Marcus Verrius Flaccus’ De significatu verborum in den Auszügen von Sextus Pompeius Festus und Paulus Diaconus: Einleitung und Teilkommentar (154,19–186,29 Lindsay
    Reviewed by Fay Glinister | HL 33:3 (2006) pp. 391–396
  • Amaro de Roboredo. 2007. Methodo grammatical para todas as linguasAmaro de Roboredo. 2007 Verdadeira grammatica latina, para se bem saber em breve tempo, scritta na lingua portuguesa com exemplos na latina
    Reviewed by Maria Carlota Rosa | HL 35:3 (2008) pp. 457–460
  • Franciscus Sanctius. 1982. Minerve ou les causes de la langue latine
    Reviewed by Manuel Breva-Claramonte | HL 10:3 (1983) pp. 329–335
  • Talbot J. Taylor. 1992.
    Reviewed by Werner Hüllen | HL 21:1-2 (1994) pp. 227–231
  • Jürgen Trabant. 2003. Mithridates im Paradies. Kleine Geschichte des Sprachdenkens
    Rezensiert von Cordula Neis | HL 31:2-3 (2004) pp. 457–468
  • George Wolf (Edited and translated by). 1991. Michel Bréal: The Beginnings of Semantics
    Reviewed by Brigitte Nerlich | HL 18:2-3 (1991) pp. 369–375
  • Meir Zislin (Hrsg., übersetzt und kommentiert von). 1990. “Licht des Auges”: Eine karäische Grammatik des Althebräischen nach der Handschrift aus dem Jahr 1208 [Mě’ōr ‘ayin (“Svetoč glaza”): Karaimskaja grammatika drevneevrejskogo jazyka po rukopisi 1208 g]
    Rezensiert von Sergej A. Romaschko | HL 20:2-3 (1993) pp. 496–498
  • Otto ZwartjesEven Hovdhaugen (Ed.). 2004. Missionary Linguistics / Lingüística misionera: Selected papers from the First International Conference on Missionary Linguistics, Oslo, 13–16 March 2003
    Reseña de Miguel Ángel Esparza Torres | HL 32:3 (2005) pp. 401–412
  • Otto Zwartjes, Gregory JamesEmilio Ridruejo (Ed. by). 2007. Missionary Linguistics III – Lingüística misionera III: Morphology and Syntax. Selected Papers from the Third and Fourth International Conferences on Missionary Linguistics, Hong Kong/Macau, 12–15 March 2005, Valladolid, 8–11 March 2006
    Reseña de Wolf Dietrich | HL 35:3 (2008) pp. 439–445
  • Otto Zwartjes, Ramón Arzápalo MarínThomas C. Smith-Stark (Edited by). 2009. Missionary Linguistics / Lingüística misionera IV: Lexicography. Selected Papers from the Fifth International Conference on Missionary Linguistics, Mérida, Yucatán, 14–17 March 2007
    Reviewed by Marcus Tomalin | HL 37:1-2 (2010) pp. 238–246
  • por Otto ZwartjesCristina Altman (Ed.). 2005. Missionary Linguistics II / Lingüística misionera II: Orthography and Phonology. Selected papers from the Second International Conference on Missionary Linguistics, São Paulo, 10–13 march 2004
    Reseña de Miguel Ángel Esparza Torres | HL 33:3 (2006) pp. 414–418
  • N

  • Anthony Corbeill. 2004. Nature Embodied: Gesture in ancient Rome
    Rezensiert von Frank Wittchow | HL 34:1 (2007) pp. 81–86
  • William Cowan, Michael K. FosterKonrad Koerner (Edited by). 1986. New Perspectives in Language, Culture, and Personality: Proceedings of the Edward Sapir Centenary Conference (Ottawa, 1–3 Oct. 1984)
    Reviewed by Murray B. Emeneau | HL 15:3 (1988) pp. 405–409
  • Andreas Gardt (Herausgegeben von). 2000. Nation und Sprache. Die Diskussion ihres Verhältnisses in Geschichte und Gegenwart
    Rezensiert von Clemens Knobloch | HL 29:1-2 (2002) pp. 222–234
  • Marcin Kilarski. 2013. Nominal Classification: A history of its study from the classical period to the present
    Reviewed by Keith Allan | HL 41:2-3 (2014) pp. 369–374
  • Jan Des Roches. 2007. Nieuwe Nederduytsche Spraek-konst
    Reviewed by Robert A. Naborn | HL 35:1-2 (2008) pp. 205–207
  • Harald Weydt. 1976. Noam Chomskys Werk: Kritik – Kommentar – Bibliographie
    Reviewed by Wolfgang Karrer | HL 5:1-2 (1978) pp. 190–191
  • O

  • T(amara) A(leksandrovna) Amirova. 1975. Očerki po istorii lingvistiki [Aperçu d’une histoire de la linguistique]
    Compte rendu par Jivco Boyadjiev | HL 2:3 (1975) pp. 379–385
  • Wilhelm Von Humboldt. 1988. On Language: The diversity of human language-structure and its influence on the mental development of mankind
    Reviewed by Paul R. Sweet | HL 16:3 (1989) pp. 387–392
  • Cesar Chesneau du Marsais. 1971. OEuvres choisies
    Reviewed by Aldo Scaglione | HL 1:2 (1974) pp. 251–255
  • Manfred Ringmacher. 1996. Organismus der Sprachidee: H. Steinthals Weg von Humboldt zu Humboldt
    Rezensiert von Donatella Di Cesare | HL 24:3 (1997) pp. 417–420
  • Simeon RomportlBohumil Vykypěl (Edited by). 2008. On the Biological Nature of Natural Language and Other Essays
    Reviewed by E. F. K. Koerner | HL 37:1-2 (2010) pp. 270–273
  • Lo van DrielTheo Janssen (Ed.). 2008. Ontheven aan de tijd: Linguïstisch-historische studies voor Jan Noordegraaf bij zijn zestigste verjaardag
    Reviewed by Toon Van Hal | HL 36:2-3 (2009) pp. 438–442
  • P

  • Stephen R. Anderson. 1985. Phonology in the Twentieth Century: Theories of rules and theories of representations.
    Reviewed by Kenneth J. Howell | HL 13:1 (1986) pp. 85–92
  • Peter AuerMurray Robert W. (eds.). 2015. Hermann Paul’s 'Principles of Language History' Revisited: Translations and Reflections.
    Reviewed by Armin Burkhardt | HL 45:1-2 (2018) pp. 241–248
  • Sylvain AurouxFrancisco Queixalos (Edited by). 1984. Pour une Histoire de la Linguistique Amérindienne en France: Hommage à Bernard Pottier
    Reviewed by Stephen A. Guice | HL 14:3 (1987) pp. 367–372
  • Marc Baratin, Fréderique Biville, Guillaume Bonnet, Bernard Colombat, Alessandro Garcea, Louis Holtz, Séverine Issaeva, Madeleine KellerDiane Marchand. 2010. Priscien. Grammaire Livre XVII – Syntaxe, 1
    Reviewed by Anneli Luhtala | HL 38:3 (2011) pp. 367–373
  • Karl-Heinz Best. 1973. Probleme der Analogieforschung
    Reviewed by Raimo Anttila | HL 2:1 (1975) pp. 91–95
  • Craig BrandistKatya Chown (Ed. by). 2010. Politics and the Theory of Language in the USSR 1917–1938: The birth of sociological linguistics
    Compte rendu par Roger Comtet | HL 38:1-2 (2011) pp. 197–204
  • R(uben) A(leksandrovič) Budagov. 1988. Portrety jazykovedov XIX-XX vv.: Iz istorii lingvisticeskix učenij [Portraits de linguistes du XIXe-XXe s.: Extraits de l’histoire des doctrines linguistiques]
    Compte rendu par Jivco Boyadjiev | HL 17:3 (1990) pp. 394–399
  • Annibale Elia. 1978. Per Saussure contro Saussure: Il “sociale” nelle teorie linguistiche del Novecento
    Recensione di Furio Murru | HL 6:3 (1979) pp. 379–381
  • Thorsten Fögen. 2000. Patrii sermonis egestas: Einstellungen lateinischer Autoren zu ihrer Muttersprache. Ein Beitrag zum Sprachbewußtsein in der römischen Antike
    Rezensiert von Wolfram Ax | HL 29:1-2 (2002) pp. 217–221
  • Lia FormigariFranco Lo Piparo. 1988. Prospettive di storia della linguistica. Lingua linguaggio comunicazione sociale
    Reviewed by Thomas Frank | HL 16:3 (1989) pp. 379–387
  • Karlene Jones-Bley, Martin E. HuldAngela Della Volpe (Ed. by). 2007. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Indo-European Conference, Los Angeles, November 3–4, 2006
    Reviewed by E. F. K. Koerner | HL 35:3 (2008) pp. 465–467
  • George A. Kennedy (Translated with introductions and notes by). 2003. Progymnasmata: Greek textbooks of prose composition and rhetoric
    Rezensiert von Roland Baumgarten | HL 33:3 (2006) pp. 397–403
  • Pseudo-Albertus Magnus. 1977. Quaestiones Alberti de modis signifïcandi
    Reviewed by Michael A. Covington | HL 6:2 (1979) pp. 261–264
  • Helen Swick Perry. 1982. Psychiatrist of America: The Life of Harry Stack Sullivan
    Reviewed by Stanley S. Newman | HL 10:1-2 (1983) pp. 135–138
  • Prolegomena zu einer Sprachtheorie. Von Louis Hjelmslev
    Reviewed by Thomas Kotschi | HL 4:1 (1977) p. 97
  • Marie-José Reichler-Béguelin (Édité par). 1989. Perspectives méthodologiques et épistémologiques dans les sciences du langage: Actes du Colloque de Fribourg (Suisse), 11–12 mars 1988
    Reviewed by John E. Joseph | HL 19:1 (1992) pp. 177–184
  • Jetske C. Rijlaarsdam. 1978. Platon über die Sprache: Ein Kommentar zum Kratylos
    Rezensiert von Hans Arens | HL 6:3 (1979) pp. 390–401
  • Robin D. Rollinger. 2010. Philosophy of Language and Other Matters in the Work of Anton Marty: Analysis and Translations
    Rezensiert von Clemens Knobloch | HL 39:1 (2012) pp. 168–172
  • David Sedley. 2003. Plato’s Cratylus
    Reviewed by Malcolm D. Hyman | HL 32:1-2 (2005) pp. 181–188
  • Patrick SériotMargarita Schonenberger (éd). 2016. Potebnja, langage, pensée
    Reviewed by Vladimir Alpatov | HL 44:1 (2017) pp. 184–189
  • Charu Deva Shastri. 1990.
    Reviewed by Peter M. Scharf | HL 18:2-3 (1991) pp. 399–402
  • Phillip Michael Sherman. 2013. Babel’s Tower Translated: Genesis 11 and Ancient Jewish Interpretation
    Reviewed by Tim Denecker | HL 41:1 (2014) pp. 145–152
  • Stefan Willer. 2003. Poetik der Etymologie: Texturen sprachlichen Wissens in der Romantik
    Rezensiert von Christiane Schlaps | HL 32:1-2 (2005) pp. 207–217
  • Otto Zwartjes. 2011. Portuguese Missionary Grammars in Asia, Africa and Brazil, 1550–1800
    Reviewed by Gonçalo Fernandes | HL 39:2-3 (2012) pp. 383–392
  • Q

  • Wolfram Ax. 2011. Quintilians Grammatik (Inst. orat. 1,4–8). Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar
    Reviewed by Piet Gerbrandy | HL 40:1-2 (2013) pp. 263–267
  • R

  • Anne Aarssen, René GenisEline van der Veken. 2018. Bibliographie Linguistique de l’année 2017 et complément des années précédentes / Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 2017 and supplement for previous years, Anne Aarssen, René GenisEline van der Veken. 2019 Bibliographie Linguistique de l’année 2018 et complément des années précédentes / Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 2018 and supplement for previous yearsAnne Aarssen, René GenisEline van der Veken. 2020 Bibliographie Linguistique de l’année 2019 et complément des années précédentes / Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 2019 and supplement for previous years
    Reviewed by Pierre Swiggers | HL 50:2-3 (2023) pp. 353–374
  • F(edor) M(ixajlovic) Berezin. 1976. Russkoe jazykoznanie: Konca XIX – nacala XX v [La linguistique russe: Fin du XIXe – début du XXe s]
    Compte rendu par Jivco Boyadjiev | HL 4:3 (1977) pp. 388–391
  • Gisela Bruche-Schulz. 1984. Russische Sprachwissenschaft: Wissenschaft im historisch-politischen Prozeß des vorsowjetischen und sowjetischen Rußland.
    Rezensiert von Bernhard Gröschel | HL 14:3 (1987) pp. 372–380
  • Claude Favre de Vaugelas. 2018. Remarques sur la langue françoise
    Reviewed by Douglas A. Kibbee | HL 46:3 (2019) pp. 153–158
  • Paul Diderichsen. 1976. Rasmus Rask und die grammatische Tradition: Eine Studie uber den Wende-punkt in der Sprachgeschichte [recte: Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft]Rasmus Kristian Rask. 1976. A Grammar of the Icelandic or Old Norse Tongue
    Compte rendu par Christian Peeters | HL 4:2 (1977) pp. 255–259
  • Paul Eling (Edited by). 1994. Reader in the History of Aphasia: From Franz Gall to Norman Geschwind
    Reviewed by Harry A. Whitaker | HL 23:1-2 (1996) pp. 182–187
  • Alexander M. Kalkhoff. 2010. Romanische Philologie im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert: Institutionsgeschichtliche Perspektiven
    Reviewed by Rolf Kemmler | HL 38:3 (2011) pp. 423–427
  • Barbara Kaltz (Edited by). 2008. Regards croisés sur les mots non simples
    Reviewed by Nicola McLelland | HL 37:3 (2010) pp. 434–438
  • Heinrich Plett. 2004. Rhetoric and Renaissance Culture
    Reviewed by Andrew Harvey | HL 33:3 (2006) pp. 410–413
  • Oswald Szemerényi. 1971. Richtungen der modernen Sprachwissenschaft I: Von Saussure bis Bloomfield (1916–1950)
    Reviewed by T. L. Markey | HL 1:1 (1974) pp. 129–136
  • Paul J. Thibault. 1997. Re-reading Saussure: The dynamics of signs in social life
    Reviewed by W. Terrence Gordon | HL 26:1-2 (1999) pp. 209–214
  • S

  • Erhard Albrecht. 1975. Sprache und Philosophie
    Rezensiert von Adelhard Scheffczyk | HL 4:2 (1977) pp. 245–252
  • Sylvain Auroux. 1973. L’Encyclopédie: “Grammaire” et “langue” au XVIIIe siècle
    Compte rendu par Alex M. S. Vanneste | HL 4:1 (1977) pp. 89–91
  • Wendy Ayres-Bennett. 2004. Sociolinguistic Variation in Seventeenth-Century France: Methodology and case studies
    Rezensiert von Gabriele Knauer | HL 33:3 (2006) pp. 419–425
  • Werner BahnerWerner Neumann (Ed. by). 1985. Sprachwissenschaftliche Germanistik: Ihre Herausbildung und Begründung
    Reviewed by Kurt R. Jankowsky | HL 16:1-2 (1989) pp. 173–179
  • Angela Beuerle. 2010. Sprachdenken im Mittelalter: Ein Vergleich mit der Moderne
    Rezensiert von Wilfried Kürschner | HL 38:3 (2011) pp. 374–381
  • Henrik Birnbaum. 1998. Sketches of Slavic Scholars
    Compte rendu par Patrick Sériot | HL 26:1-2 (1999) pp. 199–203
  • Tilman Borsche. 1981. Sprachansichten: Der Begriff der menschlichen Rede in der Sprachphilosophie Wilhelm von Humboldts
    Reviewed by Martin L. Manchester | HL 10:3 (1983) pp. 325–329
  • Paul Bouissac. 2010. Saussure: A Guide for the Perplexed
    Reviewed by W. Terrence Gordon | HL 38:1-2 (2011) pp. 221–226
  • Manuel Breva-Claramonte. 1983. Sanctius’ Theory of Language: A contribution to the history of Renaissance linguistics
    Compte rendu par Geneviève Clerico | HL 12:1-2 (1985) pp. 192–197
  • Michael G. Carter. 2016. Sībawayhi’s Principles: Arabic Grammar and Law in Early Islamic Thought
    Reviewed by Amal Marogy | HL 45:3 (2018) pp. 391–396
  • Hans-Helmut Christmann (Herausgegeben von). 1977. Sprachwissenschaft des 19. Jahrhunderts
    Rezensiert von Helmut Gipper | HL 6:3 (1979) pp. 377–379
  • Jonathan Culler. 1976. Saussure
    Reviewed by Giulio C. Lepschy | HL 4:2 (1977) pp. 252–255
  • Sten Ebbesen (Herausgegeben von). 1995. Sprachtheorien in Spätantike und Mittelalter
    Reviewed by Hans-J. Niederehe | HL 23:1-2 (1996) pp. 177–182
  • Klaas-Hinrich Ehlers. 2005. Strukturalismus in der deutschen Sprachwissenschaft: Die Rezeption der Prager Schule zwischen 1926 und 1945
    Rezensiert von Jörn Albrecht | HL 34:1 (2007) pp. 123–130
  • Heinz W(erner) Enders. 1975. Sprachlogische Traktate des Mittelalters und der Semantikbegriff: Ein historisch-systematischer Beitrag zur Frage der semantischen Grundlegung formuler Systeme
    Rezensiert von Jan Pinborg | HL 3:2 (1976) pp. 230–234
  • Miguel Ángel Esparza, Benigno FernándezHans-Josef Niederehe (Ed. by). 2002. SEHL 2001: Estudios de historiografía lingüística. Actas del III Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Historiografía Lingüística, Vigo 7–10 de febrero de 2000
    Reviewed by Manuel Breva-Claramonte | HL 30:1-2 (2003) pp. 226–230
  • Steven Roger Fischer (Edited By). 2013. Oceanic Voices – European Quills: The early documents on and in Chamorro and Rapanui
    Reviewed by John U. Wolff | HL 41:1 (2014) pp. 181–184
  • Lia Formigari. 1993. Signs, Science and Politics: Philosophies of Language in Europe, 1700–1830
    Reviewed by Talbot J. Taylor | HL 21:3 (1994) pp. 420–423
  • Kjell-Åke Forsgren. 1992. Satz, Satzarten, Satzglieder: Zur Gestaltung der deutschen traditionellen Grammatik von Karl Ferdinand Becker bis Konrad Duden
    Rezensiert von Hans Dieter ErlingerClemens Knobloch | HL 20:2-3 (1993) pp. 487–492
  • Alexandra GraurLucia Wald (3rd. ed.). 1977. Scurtǎ Istorie a Lingvisticii
    Reviewed by Graham Mallinson | HL 7:3 (1980) pp. 381–385
  • Klaus Grotsch. 1982. Sprachwissenschaftsgeschichtsschreibung: Ein Beitrag zur Kritik und zur historischen und methodologischen Selbstvergewisserung der Disziplin
    Reviewed by Herbert Ernst Brekle | HL 11:3 (1984) pp. 467–474
  • Roy Harris. 2001. Saussure and His Interpreters
    Reviewed by P. H. Matthews | HL 28:3 (2001) pp. 443–447
  • David Holdcroft. 1991. Saussure: Signs, Systems, and Arbitrariness
    Reviewed by W. Terrence Gordon | HL 19:2-3 (1992) pp. 369–374
  • Dell Hymes (Ed. by). 1974. Studies in the History of Linguistics: Traditions and paradigms.
    Reviewed by R. H. Robins | HL 2:2 (1975) pp. 244–249
  • Daniel JacobThomas Krefeld. 2007. Sprachgeschichte und Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft
    Rezensiert von Anja Stukenbrock | HL 36:1 (2009) pp. 151–162
  • Robert A. Kaster. 1992. & Giovanni Manetti. 1993.
    Reviewed by Daniel J. Taylor | HL 21:1-2 (1994) pp. 202–212
  • Clemens Knobloch. 1984. Sprachpsychologie: Ein Beitrag zur Problemgeschichte und Theorienbildung
    Reviewed by Herbert E. Brekle | HL 14:3 (1987) pp. 380–386
  • Clemens Knobloch. 2011. Sprachauffassungen: Studien zur Ideengeschichte der Sprachwissenschaft
    Reviewed by Christopher Hutton | HL 39:2-3 (2012) pp. 409–412
  • Konrad Koerner, Hans-J. NiedereheR. H. Robins (Ed. by). 1980. Studies in Medieval Linguistic Thought dedicated to G. L. Bursill-Hall
    Reviewed by Charlene McDermott | HL 9:1-2 (1982) pp. 152–156
  • Eisuke KomatsuRoy Harris (Ed. and transl. by). 1993. Saussure’s Third Course of Lectures on General Linguistics (1910–1911), from the notebooks of Emile Constantin [Trosieme Cours de linguistique generate (1910–1911) d’après les cahiers d’Emile Constantin]
    Reviewed by Karen S. Chung | HL 21:3 (1994) pp. 448–451
  • Matthew Lauzon. 2010. Signs of Light: French and British theories of linguistic communication, 1648–1789
    Reviewed by John E. Joseph | HL 38:1-2 (2011) pp. 179–183
  • Edward Lipinski. 2014. Semitic Linguistics in Historical Perspective
    Reviewed by Wout J. van Bekkum | HL 42:1 (2015) pp. 200–202
  • Claudio Marazzini. 1989.
    Reviewed by Michael T. Ward | HL 18:2-3 (1991) pp. 384–387
  • Gigliola Sacerdot Maria. 1977. Studi antiquari e lessicografia nel Seicento inglese
    Reviewed by Robert A. Hall | HL 6:3 (1979) pp. 401–403
  • Hans-Harald Müller, Marcel LepperAndreas Gardt (Herausgegeben von). 2010. Strukturalismus in Deutschland: Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaft 1910–1975
    Rezensiert von Jörn Albrecht | HL 39:1 (2012) pp. 173–178
  • Alexander Murray (Edited by). 1998. Sir William Jones 1746–1794: A commemoration
    Reviewed by Henry M. Hoenigswald | HL 27:1 (2000) pp. 187–190
  • Brigitte Nerlich. 1992. Semantic Theories in Europe, 1830–1930: From Etymology to Contextuality
    Reviewed by W. Terrence Gordon | HL 19:2-3 (1992) pp. 387–392
  • Susan Petrilli. 2009. Signifying and Understanding: Reading the works of Victoria Welby and the Signific Movement
    Reviewed by Jean Paul Van Bendegem | HL 38:3 (2011) pp. 382–388
  • Jan Pinborg. 1977. Sigerus de Cortraco: Summa modorum significandi. Sophismata
    Compte rendu par Bernardo Carlos Bazán | HL 6:1 (1979) pp. 105–108
  • Solomon I. SaraS. J. Edinburgh. 2007. Sībawayhi on ’imāla (Inclination): Text, translation, notes and analysis
    Reviewed by Aryeh Levin | HL 37:1-2 (2010) pp. 207–213
  • Saussure: Le large éventail de ses intérêts
    Compte rendu par Peter Wunderli | HL 45:1-2 (2018) pp. 211–224
  • Ferdinand de Saussure. 1978. Saggio sul vocalismo indoeuropeo
    Reviewed by Boyd H. Davis | HL 7:3 (1980) pp. 397–401
  • Friedrich Schlegel. 1975. Studien zur Philosophie und Theologie
    Recensione di Sebastiano Timpanaro | HL 4:3 (1977) pp. 409–411
  • Peter Schmitter (Herausgegeben von). 1999. Sprachtheorien der Neuzeit I: Der epistemologische Kontext neuzeitlicher Sprach- und Grammatiktheorien
    Rezensiert von Barbara Kaltz | HL 27:2-3 (2000) pp. 440–447
  • Ute TintemannJürgen Trabant (Hrgg. von). 2004. Sprache und Sprachen in Berlin um 1800
    Rezensiert von Wolf Peter Klein | HL 34:2-3 (2007) pp. 422–427
  • Josef Vintr. 2008. Studien zur älteren tschechischen Grammatographie
    Rezensiert von Helmut Keipert | HL 36:2-3 (2009) pp. 429–433
  • T

  • Keith Allan. 2007. The Western Classical Tradition in Linguistics
    Reviewed by Pedro José Chamizo Domínguez | HL 35:1-2 (2008) pp. 183–191
  • Kormi Anipa. 2007. The Grammatical Thought and Linguistic Behaviour of Juan de Valdés
    Reviewed by Lucia Binotti | HL 36:1 (2009) pp. 123–131
  • Anita Auer. 2009. The Subjunctive in the Age of Prescriptivism: English and German developments during the eighteenth century
    Reviewed by Simon Pickl | HL 37:1-2 (2010) pp. 263–266
  • Ramzi Baalbaki (Edited by). 2007. The Early Islamic Grammatical Tradition
    Reviewed by Kinga Dévényi | HL 34:2-3 (2007) pp. 410–417
  • Hreinn Benediktsson (Edited by). 1972. The First Grammatical Treatise: Introduction, text, notes, translation, vocabulary, facsimilesEinar Haugen. 1972. First Grammatical Treatise: The earliest Germanic phonology
    Reviewed by Caroline C. Henriksen | HL 2:1 (1975) p. 95
  • Wilbur A[lan] Benware. 1974. The Study of Indo-European Vocalism in the 19th Century, from the beginnings to Whitney and Scherer: A critical-historical account
    Reviewed by Henry M. Hoenigswald | HL 2:2 (1975) pp. 238–241
  • Georges Bohas, J[ean]-P[atrick] GuillaumeD[jamel] E[ddin] Kouloughli. 1990. The Arabic Linguistic Tradition
    Reviewed by Michael G. Carter | HL 19:2-3 (1992) pp. 361–367
  • Charlotte Brewer. 2007. Treasure-house of the Language: The Living OED
    Reviewed by Joan C. Beal | HL 36:1 (2009) pp. 163–167
  • Erik Butler. 2010. The Bellum Grammaticale and the Rise of European Literature
    Reviewed by Tuomo Fonsén | HL 39:1 (2012) pp. 143–147
  • Noam Chomsky. 2004. The Generative Enterprise Revisited
    Reviewed by Therese Lindström Tiedemann | HL 32:3 (2005) pp. 387–393
  • Elizabeth Close. 1974. The Development of Modem Rumanian: Linguistic Theory and Practice in Muntenia, 1821–1838
    Compte rendu par Lucia Wald | HL 3:1 (1976) pp. 89–98
  • Beverley CollinsInger M. Mees. 1999. The Real Professor Higgins: The life and career of Daniel Jones
    Reviewed by Michael K. C. MacMahon | HL 26:1-2 (1999) pp. 204–208
  • G. Curtius, B. Delbriick, K. Brugmann, H. Schuchardt, H. Collitz, H. OsthoffO. Jesper-sen. 1977. The ‘Lautgesetz’-Controversy: A Documentation
    Reviewed by Kurt R. Jankowsky | HL 6:1 (1979) pp. 116–123
  • Umberto Eco (translated by). 1995. The Search for the Perfect Language
    Reviewed by Joseph L. Subbiondo | HL 23:3 (1996) pp. 441–444
  • Roger EllisRené Tixier (Ed.). 1996. The Medieval Translator
    Reviewed by L. G. Kelly | HL 24:1-2 (1997) pp. 219–226
  • Sheila Embleton, John E. JosephHans-Josef Niederehe (Ed. by). 1999. The Emergence of the Modern Language Sciences: Studies on the transition from historical-comparative to structural linguistics in honour of E. F. K. KoernerHistoriographical perspectivesMethodological perspectives and applications
    Reviewed by Winfred P. Lehmann | HL 28:3 (2001) pp. 429–434
  • Elaine Fantham. 2004. The Roman World of Cicero’s De Oratore
    Rezensiert von Diana Bormann | HL 34:1 (2007) pp. 77–80
  • Thomas FinkenstaedtGertrud Scholtes (Edited By). 1983. Towards a History of English Studies in Europe: Proceedings of the Wildsteig-Symposium, April 30–May 3, 1982
    Reviewed by Gerhard Leitner | HL 12:3 (1985) pp. 423–433
  • Peter Howard Fries. 1985. Toward an Understanding of Language: Charles Carpenter Fries in Perspective
    Reviewed by Robert A. Hall | HL 13:1 (1986) p. 98
  • Stephanie Hackert. 2012. The Emergence of the English Native Speaker: A chapter in nineteenth-century linguistic thought
    Reviewed by Andrew R. Linn | HL 41:2-3 (2014) pp. 387–390
  • Tetsuro Hayash. 1978. The Theory of English Lexicography 1530–1791
    Reviewed by Archibald A. Hill | HL 6:3 (1979) pp. 381–384
  • Fred W. Householder (Translated, and with commentary by). 1981. The Syntax of Apollonius Dyscolus
    Reviewed by David L. Blank | HL 10:3 (1983) pp. 339–347
  • Even Hovdhaugen, Fred Karlsson, Carol HenriksenBengt Sigurd. 2000. The History of Linguistics in the Nordic Countries
    Reviewed by Andrew Robert Linn | HL 28:1-2 (2001) pp. 199–206
  • Werner Hüllen. 1989. Their manner of discourse. Nachdenken über Sprache im Umkreis der Royal Society
    Reviewed by Fredric Dolezal | HL 19:1 (1992) pp. 158–161
  • R. W. Hunt. 1980. The History of Grammar in the Middle Ages: Collected papers
    Reviewed by Sten Ebbesen | HL 9:1-2 (1982) pp. 161–163
  • Tony Hunt. 1991. TextsGlossesIndexes
    Reviewed by Nicholas Orme | HL 21:1-2 (1994) pp. 199–201
  • L. G. Kelly. 2002. The Mirror of Grammar: Theology, philosophy and theModistae. By L. G. Kelly
    Reviewed by Anneli Luhtala | HL 31:1 (2004) pp. 158–163
  • András Kertész. 2017. The Historiography of Generative Linguistics.
    Reviewed by Frederick J. Newmeyer | HL 46:3 (2019) pp. 182–191
  • Els Elffers-Van Ketel. 1991. The Historiography of Grammatical Concepts: Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Changes in the Subject-Predicate Conception and the Problem of Their Historical Reconstruction
    Reviewed by Nigel Love | HL 19:1 (1992) pp. 152–157
  • James Kilbury. 1976. The Development of Morphophonemic Theory
    Reviewed by Josef Vachek | HL 4:2 (1977) pp. 268–272
  • Henning Klöter. 2011. The Language of the Sangleys: A Chinese vernacular in missionary sources of the seventeenth century
    Reviewed by W. South Coblin | HL 39:1 (2012) pp. 129–133
  • Norman Kretzmann, Anthony KennyJan Pinborg (Edited by). 1982. The Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy
    Reviewed by Michael A. Covington | HL 10:1-2 (1983) pp. 130–132
  • Vivien Law (by). 1982. The Insular Latin Grammarians.
    Reviewed by Robert A. Kaster | HL 12:3 (1985) pp. 433–441
  • Vivien Law. 2003. The History of Linguistics in Europe: From Plato to 1600
    Rezensiert von Wolfram Ax | HL 30:3 (2003) pp. 448–454
  • Joan Leopold. 1983. The Letter Liveth: The life, work and library of August Friedrich Pott (1802–1887).
    Rezensiert von Klaus Grotsch | HL 12:3 (1985) pp. 442–452
  • Nicola McLellandRichard Smith (Ed. by). 2018. The History of Language Learning and Teaching16th–18th Century Europe19th–20th Century EuropeAcross Cultures
    Rezensiert von Helmut Glück | HL 46:1-2 (2019) pp. 213–222
  • Jenny McMorris. 2001. 2002. The Warden of English: The life of H. W. Fowler
    Reviewed by Michael K. C. MacMahon | HL 30:1-2 (2003) pp. 239–245
  • Bilal Orfali (Edited by). 2012. In the Shadow of Arabic: The centrality of language to Arabic culture. Studies presented to Ramzi Baalbaki on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday
    Reviewed by Jonathan Owens | HL 40:1-2 (2013) pp. 268–272
  • César Oudin, Marc ZuiliDominique Reyre. 2016. Tesoro de las dos lenguas española y francesa. Trésor des deux langues françoise et espagnolle
    Compte rendu par Brigitte Lépinette | HL 43:3 (2016) pp. 404–411
  • Julio Calvo Pérez. 1991. Tres biografías lingüísticas en torno a Cuenca Vol.III: Lorenzo Hervás y Panduro: Un científico a caballo entre dos mundos
    Reviewed by Juan C. Zamora | HL 20:2-3 (1993) pp. 477–481
  • Daniela Pirazzini. 2013. Theorien und Methoden der romanischen Sprachwissenschaft
    Rezensiert von Reinhard Meisterfeld | HL 41:2-3 (2014) pp. 391–397
  • Léon Poliakov. 1974. The Aryan Myth: A history of racist and nationalist ideas in Europe
    Reviewed by Joan Leopold | HL 4:3 (1977) pp. 401–406
  • Antonio QuilisHans-J. Niederehe (Ed. by). 1986. The History of Linguistics in Spain
    Reviewed by Malcolm K. Read | HL 15:3 (1988) pp. 428–433
  • Karl Reichl. 1976. “Tractatus de Grammatica”. Eine fälschlich Robert Grosseteste zugeschriebene spekulative Grammatik. Edition und Kommentar
    Reviewed by L. G. Kelly | HL 4:3 (1977) pp. 406–408
  • R. H. Robins. 1993. The Byzantine Grammarians: Their place in history
    Reviewed by G. L. Bursill-Hall | HL 21:3 (1994) pp. 439–447
  • Peter C. Rollins. 2008. The Benjamin Lee Whorf Legacy: A research database
    Reviewed by Penny Lee | HL 37:1-2 (2010) pp. 274–277
  • Vivian Salmon. 1979. The Study of Language in 17th-Century England
    Reviewed by Herbert E. Brekle | HL 8:1 (1981) pp. 112–122
  • Edward Sapir. 1993. The Psychology of Culture: A course of lectures
    Reviewed by Stephen O. Murray | HL 22:3 (1995) pp. 419–421
  • Aldo Scaglione. 1986. The Liberal Arts and the Jesuit College System
    Reviewed by Seán P.Ó Mathúna | HL 14:3 (1987) pp. 394–402
  • Christian Friedrich Seidelmann (Translated into German with a foreword by). 1984. Tractatus philosophico-philologicus de methodo recte tractandi linguas exoticas speciatim gallicam, italicam et anglicam (1724)
    Reviewed by Julie Andresen | HL 13:1 (1986) pp. 111–116
  • Roger Shattuck. 1981. The Forbidden Experiment: The story of the wild boy of Aveyron
    Reviewed by Rüdiger Schreyer | HL 10:1-2 (1983) pp. 138–142
  • N(atal’ja) A(leksandrovna) Sljusareva.. 1975. Teorija F. de Sossjura v svete sovremennoj lingvistiki [The theory of F. de Saussure in the light of contemporary linguistics]
    Reviewed by James Kilbury | HL 3:2 (1976) pp. 247–252
  • Richard C. Smith. 1999. The Writings of Harold E. Palmer: An overview
    Reviewed by Malcolm J. Benson | HL 28:1-2 (2001) pp. 214–220
  • Pierre Swiggers (Edited by). 2008. The Collected Works of Edward SapirGeneral Linguistics
    Reviewed by E. F. K. Koerner | HL 35:3 (2008) pp. 468–472
  • Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade. 2011. The Bishop’s Grammar: Robert Lowth and the Rise of Prescriptivism in English
    Reviewed by Scott Mandelbrote | HL 39:2-3 (2012) pp. 398–402
  • Dietmar Till. 2004. Transformationen der Rhetorik: Untersuchungen zum Wandel der Rhetoriktheorie im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert
    Reviewed by Nicola McLelland | HL 33:1-2 (2006) pp. 209–216
  • Cornelis H(enricus) M(aria) Versteegh, Konrad KoernerHans-J(osef) Niederehe (Ed. by). 1983. The History of Linguistics in the Near East.
    Reviewed by Muhammad H. Ibrahim | HL 11:3 (1984) pp. 484–491
  • Kees Versteegh (Introduction, translation, commentary by). 1995. The Explanation of Linguistic Causes: Az-Zāğğağī’s theory of grammar
    Reviewed by Ernest N. McCarus | HL 24:3 (1997) pp. 424–428
  • Joann Vogt. 1974. The Linguistic Work of Friedrich Karl Fulda
    Rezensiert von Kjell-Åke Forsgren | HL 3:3 (1976) pp. 366–373
  • Emma Vorlat. 1975. The Development of English Grammatical Theory 1586–1737; with special reference to the theory of parts of speech
    Reviewed by Barbara M. H. Strang | HL 3:3 (1976) pp. 374–376
  • Henri Weil. 1978. The Order of Words in the Ancient Languages compared with that of the Modern Languages
    Reviewed by W. P. Lehmann | HL 6:3 (1979) pp. 403–408
  • G. A. WellsLa Salle. 1987. The Origin of Language: Aspects of the discussion from Condillac to Wundt
    Reviewed by Julie Andresen | HL 17:3 (1990) pp. 411–417
  • Simon Winchester. 1998. The Surgeon of Crowthorne: A tale of murder, madness and the love of words
    Reviewed by Michael K. C. MacMahon | HL 25:3 (1998) pp. 439–441
  • Simon Winchester. 2003. The Meaning of Everything: The story of the Oxford English Dictionary
    Reviewed by Werner Hüllen | HL 32:3 (2005) pp. 373–376
  • Jeffrey Wollock. 1997. The Noblest Animate Motion: Speech, physiology and medicine in pre-cartesian linguistic thought
    Reviewed by Renate Fischer | HL 26:1-2 (1999) pp. 215–218
  • U

  • T. Craig Christy. 1983. Uniformitarianism in Linguistics
    Reviewed by Kurt R. Jankowsky | HL 12:1-2 (1985) pp. 198–205
  • Esa Itkonen. 1991. Universal History of Linguistics: India, China, Arabia, Europe
    Reviewed by Ladislav Zgusta | HL 19:2-3 (1992) pp. 375–380
  • James R. Knowlson. 1975. Universal Language Schemes in England and France 1600–1800
    Reviewed by Emma Vorlat | HL 3:3 (1976) pp. 354–359
  • Friedrich Schlegel. 1977. Ueber die Sprache und die [sic] Weisheit der Indier: Ein Beitrag zur Begründung der Altertumskunde.
    Rezensiert von Rüdiger Schmitt | HL 5:3 (1978) pp. 332–337
  • Peter Schmitte. 1982. Untersuchungen zur Historiographie der Linguistik: Struktur – Methodik – theoretische Fundierun
    Compte rendu par Wulf Oesterreicher | HL 10:3 (1983) pp. 350–355
  • Friedrich Schmitt-henner. 1976. Ursprachlehre. Entwurfzu einem System derGrammatik
    Rezensiert von Kjell-Åke Forsgren | HL 6:1 (1979) pp. 108–116
  • Frits Staal. 1988. Universals: Studies in Indian Logic and Linguistics.
    Reviewed by Hartmut Scharfe | HL 16:3 (1989) pp. 402–405
  • V

  • Pierre-Nicolas Bonamy. 1975. Vier Abhandlungen zum Vulgärlatein und zur Frühgeschichte des Französischen.
    Rezensiert von Stefan Ettinger | HL 3:3 (1976) pp. 349–353
  • Eberhard Hildenbrandt. 1972. Versuch einer kritischen Analyse des Cours de linguistique générale von Ferdinand de Saussure
    Rezensiert von Zsigmond Telegdi | HL 3:1 (1976) pp. 108–117
  • Clemens Knobloch. 2005. “Volkhafte Sprachforschung”: Studien zum Umbau der Sprachwissenschaft in Deutschland zwischen 1918 und 1945
    Rezensiert von Werner Hüllen | HL 32:3 (2005) pp. 382–386
  • Rudolf MeringerCarl Mayer. Versprechen und Verlesen: Eine psychologisch-linguistische Studie
    Reviewed by Ryan D. Tweney | HL 7:3 (1980) pp. 391–394
  • George W. Stocking (Ed. by). 1996. Volksgeist as Method and Ethic: Essays on Boasian ethnography and the German anthropological tradition
    Reviewed by Regna Darnell | HL 24:3 (1997) pp. 421–423
  • Daniel J. Taylor. 1997. Varro De Lingua Latina X: A new critical text and English translation with prolegomena and commentaryLouis G. Kelly. 1997. Bulletin of the Henry Sweet Society for the History of Linguistic Ideas
    Reviewed by James E. G. Zetzel | HL 25:3 (1998) pp. 433–438
  • Jürgen Trabant. 2004. Vico’s New Science of Ancient Signs: A Study of Sematology
    Reviewed by Stefano Gensini | HL 33:1-2 (2006) pp. 216–221
  • W

  • Stephen G. Alter. 2005. William Dwight Whitney and the Science of Language
    Reviewed by T. Craig Christy | HL 34:1 (2007) pp. 109–116
  • Julia S. Falk. 1999. Women, Language and Linguistics: Three American stories from the first half of the twentieth century
    Reviewed by Regna Darnell | HL 27:2-3 (2000) pp. 437–439
  • Willem J. M. Levelt. 2012. A History of Psycholinguistics: The pre-Chomskyan era
    Reviewed by Julie E. Boland | HL 41:1 (2014) pp. 168–175
  • Sean P. Ó. Mathúna. 1986. William Bathe, S. J., 1564–1614: A Pioneer in Linguistics
    Reviewed by Aldo Scaglione | HL 16:1-2 (1989) pp. 201–204
  • P. H. Matthews. 2019. What Graeco-Roman Grammar Was About
    Reviewed by Daniel J. Taylor | HL 46:3 (2019) pp. 148–152
  • Wulf OesterreicherMaria Selig (Edited by). 2014. Geschichtlichkeit von Sprache und Text. Philologien – Disziplingenese – Wissenschaftshistoriographie
    Reviewed by Philipp Krämer | HL 42:2-3 (2015) pp. 446–452
  • Manfred Ringmacher (Herausgegeben von). 2009. Wilhelm von Humboldt, Mittelamerikanische Grammatiken
    Reviewed by Elke Nowak | HL 37:3 (2010) pp. 417–423
  • Manfred RingmacherUte Tintemann (Edited by). 2011. Wilhelm von Humboldt, Südamerikanische Grammatiken
    Reviewed by James W. Underhill | HL 40:3 (2013) pp. 512–519
  • Helena Sanson. 2011. Women, Language and Grammar in Italy, 1500–1900
    Reviewed by Paul F. Gehl | HL 39:2-3 (2012) pp. 379–382
  • Barbara Schmitz. 2002. Wittgenstein über Sprache und Empfindung. Eine historische und systematische Darstellung
    Rezensiert von Jan Georg Schneider | HL 32:1-2 (2005) pp. 248–254
  • Jan Georg Schneider. 2002. Wittgenstein und Platon: Sokratisch-platonische Dialektik im Lichte der wittgensteinischen Sprachspielkonzeption
    Reviewed by Tuska Benes | HL 32:1-2 (2005) pp. 243–247
  • Hans StadenFranz Obermeier. 2007. Warhaftige Historia: Zwei Reisen nach Brasilien [True Story: Two Journeys to Brazil] (1548–1555). História de duas viagens ao Brasil
    Reviewed by Gerda Haßler | HL 37:1-2 (2010) pp. 254–257
  • Y

  • Giorgio Graffi. 2001. 200 Years of Syntax: A critical survey
    Reviewed by Frederick J. Newmeyer | HL 28:3 (2001) pp. 435–442
  • Marijke MooijaartMarijke van der Wal. 2008. Yesterday’s Words: Contemporary, current and future lexicography
    Reviewed by Charlotte Brewer | HL 36:2-3 (2009) pp. 434–437
  • Z

  • Hellfried Dahlmann. 1970. Zur Ars Grammatica des Marius Victorinus
    Reviewed by Ronald A. Zirin | HL 1:3 (1974) pp. 407–410
  • Gisela Schneider. 1973. Zum Begriff des Lautgesetzes in der Sprachwissenschafi seit den Junggrammatikern
    Reviewed by Terence H. Wilbur | HL 2:1 (1975) pp. 110–124