The Evolution of Englishes
The Dynamic Model and beyond
This two-part volume provides a collection of 27 linguistic studies and contributions that shed light on the evolution of different Englishes world-wide (varieties, learner Englishes, dialects, creoles) from a broad spectrum of different perspectives, including both synchronic and diachronic approaches. What makes the volume unique is that it is the first-ever contribution to the field which includes a section exclusively commited towards testing, discussing and refining Schneider’s (2007) Dynamic Model against recent realities of English world-wide (Part 1). These realities include a wide variety of case studies ranging from regions (socio)linguistically as diverse as South Africa, the Phillipines, Cyprus or Germany. Part 2 goes beyond the Dynamic Model and offers both empirical and theoretical perspectives on the evolution of World Englishes. In doing so, it provides contributions with a theoretical focus on the topic as well as cross-varietal accounts; it sheds light on individual Englishes from different geographical regions and offers new perspectives on “old” varieties.
[Varieties of English Around the World, G49] 2014. xviii, 513 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 29 August 2014
Published online on 29 August 2014
© John Benjamins
Table of Contents
Series editor’s prefaceStephanie Hackert | pp. ix–x
Editors’ preface: The evolution of Englishes: In honour of Edgar Schneider on the occasion of his 60th birthdaySarah Buschfeld, Thomas Hoffmann, Magnus Huber and Alexander Kautzsch | pp. xi–xviii
IntroductionSarah Buschfeld, Thomas Hoffmann, Magnus Huber and Alexander Kautzsch | pp. 1–18
Part I: The Dynamic Model
Convergence and endonormativity at Phase Four of the Dynamic ModelBertus van Rooy | pp. 21–38
The identity issue in bi- and multilingual repertoires in South Africa: Implications for Schneider’s Dynamic ModelSusan Coetzee-Van Rooy | pp. 39–57
The sociophonetic effects of Event X: Post-apartheid Black South African English in multicultural contact with other South African EnglishesRajend Mesthrie | pp. 58–69
Beyond Nativization? Philippine English in Schneider's Dynamic ModelIsabel Pefianco Martin | pp. 70–85
Stylistic and sociolinguistic variation in Schneider’s Nativization Phase: T-affrication and relativization in Ghanaian EnglishMagnus Huber | pp. 86–106
Differentiation in Australian EnglishPam Peters | pp. 107–125
The Evolution of Singlish: Beyond Phase 5?Lionel Wee | pp. 126–141
Emergence of “new varieties” in speech as a complex systemWilliam A. Kretzschmar | pp. 142–159
The cognitive evolution of Englishes: The role of constructions in the dynamic modelThomas Hoffmann | pp. 160–180
English in Cyprus and Namibia: A critical approach to taxonomies and models of World Englishes and Second Language Acquisition researchSarah Buschfeld | pp. 181–202
English in Germany: Retreating exonormative orientation and incipient nativizationAlexander Kautzsch | pp. 203–228
Part II: Beyond the Dynamic Model - Empirical and theoretical perspectives on World Englishes
Focus 1: Contributions with a theoretical focus
On cafeterias and new dialects: The role of primary transmittersDaniel Schreier | pp. 231–248
Does money talk, and do languages have price tags? Economic perspectives on English as a global languageChristian Mair | pp. 249–266
Language variation and education: A focus on PakistanAhmar Mahboob | pp. 267–281
The evolution of English(es): Notes on the history of an ideaStephanie Hackert | pp. 282–300
Focus 2: Cross-varietal contributions
At the crossroads of variation studies and corpus linguistics: The analysis of past tense and past participle formsHeinrich Ramisch | pp. 301–311
Compounding and Suffixation in World EnglishesThomas Biermeier | pp. 312–330
Focus 3: United States
When did Southern American English really begin? Testing Bailey’s HypothesisMichael Montgomery, Michael Ellis and Brandon Cooper | pp. 331–348
The English origins of African American Vernacular English: What Edgar W. Schneider has taught usSalikoko S. Mufwene | pp. 349–364
Innovation in pre-World War II AAVE? Evidence from BLURUlrich Miethaner | pp. 365–385
Focus 4: Asia and Africa
Non-standard or new standards or errors? The use of inflectional marking for present and past tenses in English as an Asian lingua francaAndy Kirkpatrick and Sophiaan Subhan | pp. 386–400
Yesterday’s founder population, today’s Englishes: The role of the Peranakans in the (continuing) evolution of Singapore EnglishLisa Lim | pp. 401–419
The evolution of Brunei English: How it is contributing to the development of English in the worldDavid Deterding | pp. 420–433
The evolutionary trajectory of Cameroonian Creole and its varying sociolinguistic statusesAloysius Ngefac | pp. 434–447
Focus 5: Old varieties, new perspectives
Lexical creativity reconsidered: GUI, cyborg, cred, pay-per-view, techno and cyber-Roswitha Fischer | pp. 448–469
The language of butchery, the UK’s last public craftClive Upton | pp. 470–485
A New Old English? The chances of an Anglo-Saxon revival on the InternetChristina Neuland and Florian Schleburg | pp. 486–504
Name index | pp. 505–506
Subject index | pp. 507–513
“The book is a substantial contribution to the body of research dealing with the Dynamic Model. Not only do the studies provide extensive exemplification of the potential of Schneider’s Model, they also point out important elements of the Model in need of modification and stress essential adaptations in order to take the sociolinguistic reality of specific varieties into account.”
Melanie Röthlisberger, Université Catholique de Louvain, on Linguist List 26.2524, 2015
Cited by (16)
Cited by 16 other publications
Sharma, Devyani
Garachana, Mar & María Sol Sansiñena
Vergaro, Carla
2023. Linguistic and pragmatic ways of committing oneself. Pragmatics & Cognition 30:1 ► pp. 120 ff. 
Wilson, Guyanne & Michael Westphal
2023. New Englishes new methods. In New Englishes, New Methods [Varieties of English Around the World, G68], ► pp. 1 ff. 
Grover, Vikas, Valerie L. Shafer, Luca Campanelli, D. H. Whalen & Erika S. Levy
2021. Perception of American English consonants /v/ and /w/ by Hindi speakers of English. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation 7:3 ► pp. 370 ff. 
Schneider, Edgar W.
Schreier, Daniel, Marianne Hundt & Edgar W. Schneider
Buschfeld, Sarah, Alexander Kautzsch & Edgar W. Schneider
2018. From colonial dynamism to current transnationalism. In Modeling World Englishes [Varieties of English Around the World, G61], ► pp. 15 ff. 
Hickey, Raymond
Koch, Christopher, Claudia Lange & Sven Leuckert
2016. “This hair-style called as ‘duck tail’”. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 2:2 ► pp. 151 ff. 
Seoane, Elena
2016. World Englishes Today. In World Englishes [Varieties of English Around the World, G57], ► pp. 1 ff. 
Velupillai, Viveka
[no author supplied]
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 13 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.
Main BIC Subject
CF/2AB: Linguistics/English
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General